Identity Unit Reflection 

What is your definition of identity? And did it change throughout the project?

My definition of identity is the people and things I surround myself with, and I feel this did not change though the project. I still see my identity as my job at starbucks, my relationship with my family, and who I eat lunch with.

Which lesson feels the most successful to you and why?

I feel like the photos of community worked the best, becasue it gave everyone a chance to look at what they really see as there community, and the pictures that came out of this project were really cool. I personally like my photo for community a lot becasue it is of people I care about.

Which lesson was the most challenging and why? 

The most challenging lesson would have to either be the self portrait of family. The self portrait wa hard becasue I do not like tkaing photos of myself, and I feel like I did not have enough time to get a really good one. I also feel like the family lesson was hard because it involved getting my family on board with being photographed.

If you were tasked with photographing your identity again, what would you do similarly and different? 

I would most likely do the same thing for community and for self, but for family I would have tried to get my whole family involved. for the self portrait I might have tried to get a better photo of myself, but I would have definitely tried to get a more meaningful background photo, like a place I care about or with more interest. I also, if I could, take photos with a. nicer camera to improve camera quality.

Finally, please include any feedback for this unit!

I think this unit is nice to really identify things about yourself, but I was not the hugest fan of taking photos of myself or of my family, becasue neither me or them like picutres of ourselves. I also jsut with there was more time to take each photo