
Artist statement:

For my photo I took a picture of an object that is important to me to represent a self portrait without me in it. I did this by holding my camera up high and taking a photo facing down on the jacket sprawled out, trying to get all of it in the picture. I also used my room light for lighting, giving it a bright color. I also used my sheets as a backdrop because they are white, and it created a nice and simple, but interesting background that did not distract. I also used a orange, faded filter, to give the photo that kind of nostalgic sentimental feeling. The reason I choose the object I did, the flight jacket, is becasue my dad gave it to me. He used to wear it while he was in the military, for about 20 years, and the jacket has been all over the world (Japan, dubi, ireland). It is very important to me because he trusted me with something very meaningful to him. It is also important because it is a reminder of how growing up my dad was gone a lot all over the world, while I stayed home with just my mom.