Selected Color Portraits

Artist statement: for this assignment we were asked to take portrait pictures, and then use photoshop to change edit those images to be black and white, with selected colors shining through. I think that the pictures I took turned out pretty good, but I had a hard time getting picture of other people because I didn't feel comfortable asking if I could take a picture of there face, since I would hate if someone took a picture of mine. I tried to mix in some picture that were not of people, and instead more focused on activities, shown through my hand in different situation. I think these ones turned out good and I am proud of them. When trying to select colors I tried to select interesting ones, but for the one with the hand on the wheel, not any colors pooped. so i made it so that you could see the color of the hand to really make t pop, along with the steering wheel. overall I am proud of the pictures I took, but I would have liked to have more pictures of people.