Stars and Stripes

P-3 Orion plane

Canvas paper, acrylic paint (paint brushes), and painters tape

24 x 18 inches

Artist statement:

The maine Idea that guided my piece of art was the idea of doing a painting of a plane. the reason I wanted to do this Is becasue my dad was in the military for 20 years, and this is the plan he flew on that whole time. I also wanted to have big letters on the bottom, in a more block shape to give it an older feel, since the plan is no longer used. I also wanted to make the plane in the sky kind of as a tribute to it. I had to fit a star somewhere in the piece, so I choose to put it on the plane itself, and I guess the stripe prt could be the lines sued to make the letters, I wasn't sure how to fit those in

I used canvas paper and acrylic paint. When is started my work I had originally used the wrong side of the canvas which set me back quite a bit, but I was able to make re do it on the back pretty easy. i also used painters tape to make a border so that I wouldn't have to worry about paining in the lines. I used many different kinds of paint brushes. A majority of the big areas that are painted where done with thick brushes, while the areas like the words were done with small ones.

I started my process by making the boards then the outline of the letters. I then made the outline of the plan. After i had an idea of what it would look like Is started painted, doing the letters first. After I painted everything, I noticed the markings I made so that my letters would be in the right spot were very noticable, so i went back over with white paint. i then pulled up the tape and I was all done. I am not completely proud of this piece, mostly becasue I wanted to spend more time on it. i felt like it became rushed becasue of all of the other things I have going on in my life right now, but a solid 4 hours were spent on it. One other thing that helped with this project were reference pictures and creating a sketch first,