leaf drawing

Artist statement:

My work was made using leafs sharpie and a few markers. The process i used to make my art was getting leaves and making there outlines on my paper. once I had made the outlines and added the border i kept a paten going threw the hole thing by switching between red orange and yellow. My art was fairly easy but reminded me of fall with the warm colors like the ones leaves turn too.

In my art I used a lot of lines and kept them a little messy because leafs are never perfect. Doing this made a nice texture and the warm colors made it feel very fall like. I used unity because i filled the hole page with lines instead of just one area. The pattern i used was very simple but effective, especially in areas between the leaves were not everything really fit but the lines kind of just did there own thing.

My art does not really have a story other then that its fall themed and there are leafs. My project relates to me because when i picture fall i think of the warm colors leafs turn into. I'm proud that i did not mess up once and that i kept the pattern going the whole way thru. I do wish I added more color maybe a tan or tannish pink but other then that i'm very proud of it and i think the simple design makes a good art piece.