Photography 2

Photo II Reflection:

I feel like my experience in photography two was not as successful as photography one, but I believe that this is more on me rather than the class. As a senior my effort in school has slowly dwindled, and as a second semester course I could feel myself losing focus. I think another factor of this is how successful i was in Photo I. Photo I was one of my favorite classes in all of high school, and I made some stuff that I was really really proud of. I just don't think that motivation carried over though, but again that is on me. Like I said the hardest thig for me in this course was my lack of motivation and reaching deadlines. I do feel like I overcame this however because I turned in work i felt was decent quality and almost always on time.

I will say that my favorite project this year would be the photo challenge #9. Me and my mom went around the house looking for things to take pictures of which I found to be really fun, and it made me think outside of the box's. The only problem with this assignment is i felt that i did not have enough time to do it. It felt like a assignment that should have been assigned over a break so that I would have ample time to complete, but I still found it to be fun. my least favorite project probably had to be nothingness because I had no clue what to do. I recall not having many days to complete this, and combined with my lack of motivation, I ended up doing this assignment the night before it was do, while I also forget to do two pictures and scoring myself a zero on the project. This project stressed me out and did not leave much room for creativity in my opinion.

I feel like this year in photography has shown me how to take pictures that are not your typical pictures of something interesting. Instead of looking for something extraordinary, I had to make something simple or mundane extraordinary. I had to make the uninteresting interesting in same way, whether that be a picture of my favorite jacket, or finding the colors of the rainbow around my house. I think this year really emphasized the idea that to be a photographer you don't need to go to the most crazy or beautiful places, you just have to find the crazy and beautiful around you.