Leading Lines

In this project we were told to go out and take pictures of leading lines we could see in the world. i think that I did a pretty good job but I did have some trouble becasue I lose all my film twice because my camera had not been used in awhile and needed some time to warm up. I think that it turned out good but I was more proud of my other pictures I lost because I had taken the camera with me on a trip.

Photo #1

This picture turned out pretty good. It is a picture of the school but it was flipped upside down when putting it on my computer. The leading lines are the ones on the school and I think they work pretty good

Photo #2

I like this picture a lot. It is of the school and it almost looks like it is taken on a city or a town because of all the pipes and things around combined with the dirty door. There is a good bit of texture that is picked up with the camera and also the leading lines pull your eyes to the middle of the picture