squiggle d


squiggle drawing

Artist statement:

When making my scribble drawing I used colored pencils and the line that was made with sharpe. Once i looked at the scribble I immediately saw a camel but was not sure about the legs. I originally thought maybe I could just give him really skinny legs that were really small but I decided it would make everything to uneven. That's when i saw that the lines on the bottom could be the start of bigger legs but i knew that the line going through the middle of the legs would bother me so i turned them into pants. The picture really started with the face because i wanted it to look as clueless and confused as possible to why it has to humps and jeans on. before i was set on the camel idea i thought of making it a really weird looking creature with a beek (as you can see from the erased beek marks) but i thought that wouldn't make and sense.

I really didn't have to make any lines because the hole body outline was almost already there but i think i did a good job on the legs. The shape of the camel is really weird and random how his back hump is almost hitting the other but i had to work with it and in the end the shape is what really makes it my kind of style. The colors were fairly simple consisting of brown and blue and in the background yellow and light blue but it did work out because the sharpy they used was a slightly brown one. The picture has a little bit of texture on the pants and camels skin because the lines I made all went in the direction. My texture looks kind of rough on the pants and the skin looks fuzzy. I think that my use of space was good and i tried to create a background so that the picture feels less empty.

In my picture you can kind of see a story of a camel wearing pants going on an adventure. It might not be the most amazing story but it paints a funny picture in your head of a silly looking camel with a clueless expression going on an adventure through the desert. The project relates to me because the camel looks random which is kinda how my sense of humor and ideas are. I am most proud of the jeans he is wearing because they look funny and i'm proud of myself for finding a use of the out of place lines. I am also proud of the little details like his sadel and the pockets on his jeans. i struggled most deciding how i was going to make the legs and what expression he should be making. all and all i enjoyed this project and am proud of my work.