Extended Blind Contour

Blind contour drawing

Artist statement:

In my Blind contour I drew 2 different hand positions and a head without looking at the page. The main thing I used was sharpy which made everything a little more scary because its permanent. After i drew the things without looking it was time to make it look like an actual picture. First I thought of some ideas like maybe making a fight scene with a gun where the misshapen thumbs up lays in the center of the bottom of the paper but I decided everything was too close to the bottom right so I scrapped it. After looking at it for awhile i thought about how it reminded me of a superhero movie poster so I went from a fight scene to a movie poster. After writing the title of "blind contour" and "art without looking" ,which is a reference to how it was made sense I couldn't think of my own superhero title, I decided to add something that would make everything pop. After I added the explosion of the side I realized there wasn't much more to add that would fit because when I tried that I ended up with a random hand on the side.

In my picture i thought about adding color but once i started I just thought it would ruin it and be unneeded, Mostly because the idea of the explosion reminded me of scenes from movies when a big explosion happens it flashes between color and black and white which is what my picture looked like. instead of shading with the sharpe and making unnatural lines i decided to use a ton of lines that made it looked shaded, but also made it look like the explosion is melting them. I think everything fit well together and The title helps with that alot because I had nothing else to put up there. The face that looks like it's screaming was something that i wanted to emphasize since it is the biggest thing and that most well draw so I completed the face so it looked more like one and added eyes. I don't know it it pops out as much as everything else like i wanted but nonetheless it completes the picture. I had used almost all of my space and there isn't much else i could add to the picture.

It's kind of hard to see a story in my picture but if you think about it it has one. Why is there a big explosion and why is he screaming? In my picture I am most proud o the lettering and the actual blind contour pictures. Even though i couldn't look at it while i did it i'm still proud of it. Some struggles i hit where deciding what to do in the first place. It was hard to make an image out of the nonsense unlike the squiggle drawing when I knew what I was doing as soon as i saw it. Some things I don't like about my picture are the open space and how the block letters are a little uneven but other then that I like my picture.