

Molding foam, glue, cutting tools, paint

L:6in x W:4in x H:3in

Artist statement:

The main idea of my work was to using molding foam and try to make something that looks like a little scene. I was not sure how to go about this piece, so I looked into a lot of landscapes. My favorite was one with a river in a canon becasue it felt like it would look cool as a little sculpture and has a lot of rough edges. I then had to decide how the foam would be positioned, and I settled on it being on it side.

For this project I used molding foam which was fun to work with I had to use sharp tools to cut it too look like what I wanted which was hard and a little dangerous. I had to use a curved one to dig to make the canon. I then primed it with galoche paint, then did a final coat of paint which turned out okay. 

My process involved me finding a reference, glueing the pieces together then carving. Carving took a few classes and would always make a mess, but once that was finished I primed it. After it had dried I went back over it with colored paint. I then painted the outside white one more time and then I was all done.