Donate Life Design Project

Carry on through others

Watercolor paper, water colors, black pen, paint brush, tape

12.5 x 11

Artist statement: The main idea in my art work was that I wanted something that related to the point of this project, being an organ donor. I thought that it would be cool if you tied it to how when you donate organs you can carry on through others kind of in a way. I then thought it would look cool to show how that piece of you carrying on is like you following and supporting.

The way I made my artwork was by getting watercolor paper, taping the sides, and then measuring out where I would draw. The paper I used was made for water colors so this way I would not have any issue with the way the water color showed up, and the brushes I used varied depending on what part I was working on. I also used regular crayola kids watercolors because I think they are fun to use and create a kind of faded mysterious look in a way. i also used a dark pen so that I could outline details I couldn't get with the watercolors.

I started my piece by cutting paper to fit what I needed, and then I taped out a 1 inch border. After all of this was done i measured out where I wanted to do my drawings, and then I made sketches. I then went though and painted in everything. When I painted stuff in I would change how much water color I used depending on how vibrant I wanted the paint. i then went through and added detail with pen, and then finally wrote the words.