Abstract Shoe Drawing

shoe angles drawing

one zoomed in picture with design

3 zoomed in pictures

Artist Statement:

In this art project we were assigned to draw a picture of our show from 3 different angles; the top, side, and front. I used a different shoe for each picture because thought it would be nice to not half to draw the same thing 3 times. After that we had to zoom in on a spot on one of our shoes and recreate it. After we did that we zoomed on the zoomed in picture and draw that then we do it one last time.After all 3 zoomed in views where done we icked one and drew it on a bigger sheet and we did whatever we wanted to fill it. I used pencil, sharpie, and colored pencils do do my full project. I ended up using a thinner sharpie for most of my final picture. When doing my final project i was not sure what to do until I remembered this video I saw last year where someone filled a canvas with little goofy pictures and I decided it would look cool. After I did the left side of my picture I was not sure what to do on the right side until a friend said that my picture gave of a skater vibe and then I thought of graffiti in a urban area.

In my picture I had to find a balance in all of the chaos that was going on. I think that leaving the laces white it gives your eyes a place to rest while you look at all the little things going on. The colors i used where more vibrant then i would usually use but when you think of graffiti you usually think of all the colors they use in their art. The texture turned out really interesting because when you see all the tiny lines from a far it looks like nothing but when you get closer you cantall it's filled with so much stuff. I did not really follow a pattern but that ended up being the patter.

There is not much of a story unless you look closely at the little pictures then you can see a ton of little stories going on. You can see little thing being eaten and big things doing stuff. This project relates to me because I love this style of art and the little pictures are something i would doodle on my homework when i'm board. Im really proud of how much work I put in it and I am