Dada Collage

Artist Statement: The materials i used in my collage where magazine cut outs and pens. When i made this i had to find a magazine because we do not own many but my dad had one. The pen work i added was to try to add some creepy vibes. When i made my recreation i made it completely pen in hopes it would have a almost newspaper style. It came out more creepy then planned but that is on me not knowing how to draw decent eyeballs. When i made it into the recreation i changed some parts. I think it looks better with the bigger zeros instead of the the ones that seemed squished in

In my art i used a lot of lines. I have never done cross hatching shading but i try my hardest to get that kind of look to go along with the newspaper theme. I think i was able to use movement of the lines to go throw the page except in the bottom left corner where i messed up a dudes face. I also got rid of the bird because it did not go with the vibe.

In my are it relates to me by showing how i feel about the COVID-19. i tried my hardest to make it depict all the different parts like the stay home and the 0.00 money. I think i struggled with the faces and shading but they did not come out horrible. i also with that i had not wote dada out and put something more related to the topic.