
Practice Overlay

For this picture I took a portrait and a texture I already have, and then I put them together. To do this, I went into photoshop and added both pictures in. I then made them the same size and change the color of the portrait. Then I used the burn tool to make the texture show through This made it so the picture had an effect that is really cool and uses overlays in a interesting way

Word Overlays

Wake Up

For this picture I overlapped the words wake up because it was originally going to be me trying to get out of bed, but when I did the overlay I got this really cool and creepy affect so I went with it.


before I cropped this picture I was going to have my computer being seen in the foreground, but after editing it i thought it looked better without it. The reason it is called stress is because of school work. I like the colors I uses in this picture, and how I made it black and white, then colored.


This one I tried to make it look like a little comic strip of me picking up a book reading it, then throwing it away. Though the part i the middle does not fit quite right, i think that it added to the picture and I am really proud of this one.

Artist statement: In this assignment we took portraits, and then used overlays of words to make the image more interesting. i am proud of this project, and though I thought he pictures I had before the overlays where not that good, I think that the overalys added a ton to the picture and they turned out pretty cool.