Time Capsule Drawings

Object I depend on: backpack

Drawing paper, pen


For this picture I had to draw a random object I use every day. I had a few ideas of what to do, but I think that my backpack really stands out becasue it is something I bring to school every day, and keep my homework in for the weekend. I also feel like it was something interesting to draw besides my phone

For this piece of art I only used pen. Pen is one of my favorite things to use and i enjoy how art turns out with it, with the harsher lines and the way you shade things with small lines.

The process of this picture was pretty simple. I was only allowed to use 20 minutes so I just sat down and looked at my backpack from an interesting angle and drew it. I did the outline fist and then the details.

Cropped Self portrait

Drawing paper, pencil


For this picture I had to look at myself and draw. For this picture I kind of just jumped in, and I wish I went for a different angle. Some ideas I had were to focus on the mouth and eyes, so that is what I spent most of my time doing.

For this piece I used pencil and normal drawing paper. I wish that I used something a little more interesting, but i think the pencil got the job done. I think If i had more then 20 minutes I would have gone back over with more detail and shading.

The process of this picture was pretty simple. I sat down with a mirror and drew myself straight on. I wish that I did a different angle, and that I started from somewhere other then my nose, but this picture was only a practice. One thing is that I don't think this looks anything like myself.


Drawing paper, pen


For this picture I ahd to draw my hand in a position. My first Idea was to draw my hand in a symbol resembling "F" in sign language, but then I changed it to something more interesting.

For this picture I only used pen, and since I only had 20 minutes to draw it, I did not want to do pencil then go back over it in pen. I also just used normal drawing paper, but I do wish that I taped it down since I had to hold one hand in the same position and could not use it to really hold down the paper.

The process of this picture was just like the others, were I just jumped right into it. I started with the thumb and worked around it, slowly drawing each finger from the pointer to the pinky. I then went over and added all the shading a hand texture I saw on my hand. I thought about adding detail to the nails, but I decided that it made the picture look less congested with the nails staying completely white.