
In this project we had to go out and find a willing person to take pictures. I don't like asking people to take pictures of them and I don't have many friends who would want too, so I had to have my mom help me, but i still think the pictures where okay. The pictures turned out pretty good and Some are kind of cool but other then that the project was probably my least favorite one so far with the film cameras. I just don't like taking pictures of people, which you can see in a lot of my other film projects, almost no people.

Photo #1

This one was probably my favorite idea for one, but the pictures came out pretty bad. I am not sure why it got so dark, but the picture itself is kind of cool. I had gone outside and tried to frame my mom through the window. I do think it is cool that the ony thing that gave off light was the window, so it made this kind of creepy feel.

Photo #2

This one I had tried using a different angle and it came out pretty cool. I felt bad asking my mom to take pictures becasue like me, she hates getting them taken of herself, so you can kind of see some of her uncomfort being the main subject. I think the picture is interesting to look at and i like the borders through the door.