Duck Stamp

Masked Duck

Bristol paper, acrylic paint

9 x 12

Artist Statement:

I wasn't sure what I was going to do for this project since I do not usually draw pictures like this, so I looked at a few of the ducks that we were allowed to choose from. I first wanted to go with a swan or a goose, but when I looked at the masked duck i though that it was cool so i decided to do my picture of it. I was not sure what background to make it because when I researched it, I found it in a multitude of locations, but there was one that has leaves in the water that I wanted to replicate.

The materials I used for this project were Bristol paper and acrylic paint. I decided to use Bristol paper because when I first started the project, I was not sure what material I would use, and I thought that Bristol would be best suited for any material. I then created a sketch of the duck with pencil and went over it with acrylic. I choose to use acrylic because it was the easiest to blend, and I thought it would give me a richer color, more so than watercolor.

My process was to first research the ducks that we could choose from to draw, and then create a sketch. I eventually choose to do a picture of the Masked duck. I then had to create a background, which was probably the hardest part. I decided to take inspiration from multiple different sources and ended up with an okay background. I also went over the duck multiple times to give it layers, and to make sure that the black really stood out.