grid self portrait

Artist Statement:

I used pencils and a thing that rubbed in th graphite. The process i used was a grid and a picture that was also gridded and put what i saw on the picture into the grids on my final paper. At first my picture was very ballned with no defining shading but i eventually got some in there.

In the creation of my peace some elements i used where texture and line. The texture came out more smooth then i wanted but it is a good face texture. The lines i used where sometimes a little to heavy but it still turned out good. The shape of my head is very good and i think it is very accurate except the shading is a little off. The contrast between m face and jacket add some cool elements to the picture as well.

My project is a picture of my face. I am most proud of the checked in my picture because the line n it are very good and it really looks like a jacket. I think my face is pretty proportional too. One thing i struggled with was making a accurate shading of the face. This was also hard becasue my original picture did not have many defining lines

After i had drawn the face i began the next step of the process. I choose to do my background based on the pop are movement that is focused around pop culture. I began adding what are supposed to be apps from an iphone. I feel like this represents pop culture very well because of how people are always on there phone.

To make my picture i used sharpe and colored pencils. It was very easy to do and i am happy with how it came out. the only thing i do not like it the extra lines i added around everything earlier. i liked them at the time but now i feel like they do not help the picture look good.