Wire Sculpture

For this project, we were asked to fashion an object out of wire the represented nostalgia, or something that gives one feelings of the past, both sad and happy. In order to prepare our wire working skills for the summative, we were first asked to manipulate the wire into the shape of a dixie cup. For the summative, I decided to put my favorite flower, the daisy into a lemoncello vase that I acquired on a trip to Positano, Italy. I love traveling, and seeing this vase brings me back to my favorite place while traveling.

My design was fashioned mostly out of these two principals of art: form, line, shape, and movement. Wire was used to create line, however to make the line more interesting, I manipulated the wire into unique shapes that formed the leaves and flowers. After creating many flowers and vines, I arranged them in the vase in a manner that would look pleasing and calming to the eye when using the space correctly. At first, I began fashioning a glass milk quart that was labeled Goodwin's Dairy Farm. After beginning this project, it was not turning out the way I was expecting, so I decided to restart completely. It was off-balance, and did not look much like the object, not to mention that not much nostalgia came from this object. This was when I decided to use a vase ( a nostalgic object that represents traveling) to hold flowers (my childhood) to create something that I would be happier working on, and would have a much better end result.

Both the flowers and the vase represent something nostalgic. The vase represents traveling and our trip across Europe, and the flowers represent my childhood through my favorite flower, the daisy. This project represents my life int eh same way; traveling and childhood. I am most proud of the flowers in my project. I kept them simple and tried to perfect the overall outline of the daisy. I struggled most with attaching new vines and flowers to the main stem. This was very difficult for my as every time i would attach a new piece, somehow the new vine would move and spin. I overcame these struggles with the realization that the it does not matter how much wire you use to attach a new vine as long as it was tight and secure. After this time spent on the little details went by much faster. I wish that I added something in the vase to fill that awkward empty space. I might add blue marbles in that area later.