2D Art


Over the course of this semester, I belive that my work has changed dramatically. Taking this 2D art class has taught me so much about drawing what I actually see, and not what I believed to be there from preconceived notions. When creating the duck stamp drawing towards the end of the semester, I realized just how much easier it was to use real life proportions. The duck stamp as well as all the drawings and paintings I did throughout this semester show the way I taught myself to see shapes and lines rather than the illusion of what could be there. Although drawing realistic things is an important skill to have, this class also taught me to branch out and try new things. I relized through this class how much I love creating abstract art. Through the experience of creating a series of sustained investigations, I was able to really explore playing with shapes and lines and how they can fit together in maybe not a realistic, but visually pleasing way.

I have always struggled with not being able to start something and carry through with it without wanting to start over. However, during this class ontop of my Advanced Art and Design class, I feel like I was able to start to let go and sumbit things to Artsonia even if I was not 100% happy with the finished project. It was very reassuring to understand that I always have the ability to go back and change my art in the future if I feel so inspired, which I ended up doing on many occasions throughout this semester.