Sustained Investigation #1

In My Room

3ft x 2 ft

canvas and acrylic

For this piece, I tried to create a piece that will be part of an acrylic paint series that is representative of what it is like to be an American teen. For this piece I wanted to portray the part of being in your room and just thinking. I think that for many teenagers, their room I most likely their favorite spot where they can think about anything. Due to being inspired by this concept, I am trying to represent ideas such as imagination, stress, creativity, and etc...

To create this piece, I first started using transfer paper to move my sketch to the canvas, then used a white marker to go over that sketch because it was hard to see on the black canvas. After this, I added in large chunks for color and shading with acrylic paint, and from there began adding in all the little details.

Over the course of making this piece, I found it to be far more time consuming than I expected. I think this is because there are so many layers to making a painting. If I were to continue with this piece, I would continue adding more little details, and also make sure that the proportions are correct, because even though the room in supposed to be spinning, and things are supposed to be wonky, there proportions should still be spot on in order for the piece to make more sense.