
Angry Banana on the Go!

The prompt for my watchamadrawit was an “angry banana chasing a happy grade around a bowl of singing cherries.” When I first got this prompt I thought it was a very funny, yet oddly specific prompt! So, I got to work and am actually pleased with how this came out. When I started, I knew that I needed to give all of the fruits intense expressions so that their individual expressions were readable by the observer to make the piece accurate to the prompt.

I then began using a 2b pencil to sketch out my fruits. I started with the banana–making sure that it stood out the most in comparison to the other details because it was the main “character” so to speak. I then began to use a soft pencil–4b to sketch the expression on the banana’s “face.” I made sure to draw prominent brows to enhance the angry expression. Then I drew the bowl of singing cherries! (Something I never thought I’d draw!) It was very fun drawing this because I had never before and so it was exciting to see how it would turn out. I then drew the “happy grape”, again, paying attention to the fruits’ expressions as I went along. Then, to add color, used different colors of colored pencils.

I experimented with the set up of the fruits at first (on the page) because I wasn’t sure where the “grape” was going to be and where the bowl of cherries was going to sit in comparison to the angry banana, but I managed to include all of the fruit, each telling it’s own story of what it was doing! I drew the fruits at different heights and therefore different places on the paper to show movement especially with some fruits up on mountains. I thought that that would be a way that would make the observer’s eye move along the paper, telling the abstract story of the angry banana chasing a happy grade around a bowl of singing cherries!