New Vision of an Old Work #2


9' X 11'


The main idea that guided this work is obviously my old work (sustained investigation #5). For my new piece, I really wanted to make it more chaotic. To do this, I added a lot more just simple doodles to represent daydreaming. I know that for many high school students, doodleing is both a way to deal with boredom but also combat stress. My favorite doodle is just the basic form of flowers that one can see in the upper left corner of my revision. I really wanted to give doodles justice in this piece.

Frist I traced my old piece using a lightbored, only including the things I wanted to keep like the eyes and lips. After this was done I began adding the doodles. To create this piece I just used graphite throughout the whole thing. . While some may think that this is boring I actually wanted to move away from color like I used in my first piece because I wanted to see if I could still make a choatic piece with grayscale instead of relying on color.

I actually had a lot of trouble thinking of doodles to add and how to get started. Once I just started adding random things and filling out the page was when I really started to get going and more ideas kept flooding in. I experimented a lot with using harsher lines for emphasis such as under the eyes and on the stop sign.