Squiggle Drawings

We were asked to draw a squiggle and give it to someone else so that we could all create something new out of something as simple as some lines. I decided to turn my squiggle into some kind of simple dragon/squirrel type of character. A To form this new drawing, I used black sharpie and colored pencils.

I did not use many elements because I wanted to keep it simple and modest. However, I decided to bring emphasis to the colors, by making them darker in some areas so that your eyes would first see the fire and mane, before noticing the other features that are a lighter value of yellow that brings less emphasis to the body; features that don't matter quite as much. To create a better visual esthetic us my drawing, I added yellow gradient in the body that gets darker closer to the line to bring emphasis to the outline. At first, I could not find anything within the squiggle, but finally after some time, I rotated my paper and at last I saw the dragon squirrel. From there I began to shade and develop my piece using colors. Multiple times, I had to change and revise my tail. I tried out a bunch of different tails, however the squirrel tail match the overall esthetic of the drawing and took up more space which added a better composition.

This artwork does not have any meaning behind it, however it reminds me of when I was younger and very into greek myology. I am proud of the simplicity in my drawing because I have a tendency to not know when to stop adding features, however in the piece of artwork I was able to accomplish knowing the right time. I struggled with trying to find something to make out of the original squiggle. I knew that eventually some idea would come to me, so time solved the struggle. I wish that I changed the proportions of the dragon to make it more cartoon-ish.