Linear perspective

Looking past the library and into the science wing

In this project, we were required to draw a linear perspective drawing, however we had to do many things to prep for the summative. First we watched a video on linear perspective, including the how to do the basics, such as orthogonal lines, vanishing point and horizon line. After watching a few prepping videos, we proceeded to work on two formative's to further prepare for the summative. One of the formative was drawing shapes that connected to the the vanishing point. Five of the shapes were located above the horizon line, and five were below. In the other formative, we had to draw a room - any room - to practice the basics of drawing in a linear fashion. After completing the formative assessment, we were assigned draw a hallway in the school, using linear perspective as a summative grade. We did this using pencils as a medium. The subject of my is the hallway near the library, facing the science wing. To accomplish this drawing, I used different densities of pencils for different lines, a vanishing point, orthogonal lines so that my drawing would meet the standards, and be proportional. I also used a ruler so ensure that each line comes out crisp and clean.

The goal of this piece was to create something that is proportional correct using linear perspective techniques. To achieve this, I first started with the back wall, making sure that that wall was correct, before expanding from there. Unfortunately, I has some trouble knowing how to place the doors, due to the fact that they could not be connected to the vanishing point because of how much they were rotated outward. To resolve this problem, I resorted to seeing were the doors corresponded with other objects on the page to draw them proportionally and correctly. At first I had no idea of how to start, or where to place the lines, but once I finishes the back wall, and added the orthogonals, the rest became to evolve and it became easier to draw from a good base. I also had very light lines at first, and it still had that sketchy quality, therefore, I added darker lines and shadows to add contrast and emphasis.

I this piece, I am proudest of the way I really tries to make everything proportional, using the techniques that we learned in class prier to the summative. I made sure the the onlooker could identify the place in school were this was drawn, and do this, every little detail has to be spot on. At first, I struggled with the beginning few areas, and where to place my frist lines. Having just a blank piece of paper in front of me without a photo to use was a struggle, and something that I wasn't used to. To overcome this struggle, I made sure that the back wall was perfect through trial and error, so that I could have a strong basis to work of of, and so that other lines would be proportionally correct. Something that has been bothering me about this piece is the way the window frames look. They aren't 3D, and something feels of about them, composition wise. To revise this in the future, I will try to save more time for the more challenging parts, rather than perfecting the easy areas.