Sustained Investigation #10

The Faces of BPD (in process)

5.5 X 8.5


For this piece, I really wanted to represent what borderline personality disorder (BPD) can look like. After researching the symptoms of BPD, I understood that this disorder deals with things like mood swings, behavior changes, and depression. I felt that a good way to represent these personality changes and different emotions would be through drawing many different faces, each with a different expression.

To create this piece, I used only pen, whether that be a fine point black pen or fine point colored pens. Before using pen I sketched out the faces which probably took that most mout of time because I am not good at drawing cartoon things, which many of the faces are. After the sketches were done I then went over it with pen, using color where I thought emphasis would look good and bring out the story of BPD more.

Making this piece was really interesting because I have not yet represented BPD in art and explored what that could look like. However, it took me a while to come up with an idea that I thought would represent BPD well. But, after looking at the symptoms, I realized that depicting the many faces and sides to borderline personality disorder would be perfect.