Comic Selfie

Covid Class

12 x 8 in


For this piece, color and shape are very clearly displayed due to the way that the paint bucket tool in photoshop lets you fill a shape with one flat color. This image depicts what class is like during covid-19 because it was taken in art class where we have to wear masks to protect ourselves and others from the virus.

To make this piece, I used photoshop. In photoshop, I started with an image, and then added a layer, tracing significant shapes, lines and grouping shades, and then filling in those shapes using a tool that allows you to select the specific color on your image. After all the shapes were colored in, I began to see my face come to life. The last step was using the paintbrush tool to add the smaller sections of highlights and shadows.

I have never used the photoshop tool, so the process of creating a self-portait on photoshop was something foreign and a completely new process than what I am used to. One could see my project evolve through the layers: first the large chucks of color, than slowly adding smaller chucks. If I were to continue with this piece, I would add even more highlights and shadows to give the piece a better sense of depth.