Surrealist Collage

In this assignment, we were first asked to create a collage using magazines. This collage explores that surrealist movement, as it was required to be creative and imaginative. we then painted this collage as picture perfect as possible, matching and mixing colors, and creating shapes that fit the original. The subject of my painting if the words in space that read 'WE ARE NOT ALONE', and the man walking on a tightrope line were the sky meets stars. To make to collage, I collected National Geographic magazines, and pulled images that I found personally interesting. I then cut out the images, and glued them down in a way that was visually pleasing to the eye. After the collage, I used acrylic paint to make the vibrant colors, and gel to add texture to the clouds.

I often used to principal of texture in order to add movement, and a lively quality to the clouds. I also used emphasis, color, and shape by using a vibrant yellow in order to add something that would be able to catch an onlookers eye. I also used contrast with the purple flower as a way to had interest to the painting as a whole, and allow it to seem finished, by including something out of the frame. At, first, I had a collage that I hated. I did something that was far too simple (despite being warned) and it ended up looking the way it was composed; over simplified, with little interesting ideas or parts. I decided to retry, only this time finding images that I found exiting to the eye in some way, and working off those images to compose a pleasing piece of artwork. I doing this, my project evolved into something that had a sense of inspiration.

I really wanted to crate something that would be interesting, especially after creating a boring piece of art and having to re-start. I really want to explore (the world in general) and I feel that this painting feel brings forward the idea to being adventurous, and stretching the limits. I am most proud of the blue sky, I feel that I looks more realistic than I though it would turn out, and I like the way the dark and light values are able to bring depth, and the way the the clouds are able to bring texture to the painting. I struggled the most with creating the clouds, but once I used the gel, it really brought them to life. The mountains are an area in my artwork where it could be stronger, I wish that they were more rounded and complete looking, with sharp edges.