Finding Your Voice

"Her Body, Her Choice"

9 X 12

Watercolor and Pen

For this piece, I wanted to create something that I am really passionate about. My top two choices where abortion rights, and global warming. Clearly, I chose abortion rights, with the "My body, my choice" movement. I have gone to many womens marches and rallys in support of organizations like planned parenthood, and attending events like those made me feel very empowered to create this piece.

To create this piece, I frist started my sketching out my design and then using watercolors to fill in the shpaes I had created. I used the watercolors in a much thinker amount than is typicall, but I really wanted to get bright, bold colors to make this piece stand out. After adding in the watercolor and letting it dry, I outlined everything with pen for a more finished look. The last thing I did was right "My body, my choice" in bold letters across the paper.

This was the frist time that I have used watercolors in a messy way, adding lots of color onto the brush and then onto the paper because usally I (and most people) use watercolor in a delicate manner. My frist ideas for this painting was to make it very big, and use a canvas and acrylic, but after sketching my deign onto paper, I liked it so much that I just wanted to go with that design. If I were to continue working on this piece, I would add more lightlights and shadows on the person to give her more demential .