Sustained Investigation #4

Good Times

1.5ft X 1.5ft

Acrylic on black chipboard

In this piece, I am trying to portray the fun part of being a teen, or being youthful. This, for me, means talking and hanging out with friends. This project relates to my life in the sense that this is a painting of my friend, Merry and I from a time when we were at the turf at sunset hanging out and having a good time.

To create this piece, I first took my photograph and traced over it with tracing paper. After my design was all set up, I used transfer paper to transfer it onto a black canvas, using a white pen to draw over what was transferred. I then went in with my paints, adding large chunks of color before adding smaller details, and finally finishing with the smallest highlights with a white paint pen.

My process mainly consisted of layering acrylic paints, adding large sections of paint and letting that dry before going in with detail and highlights. Overall, my projects evolution was pretty constant, I did not run into any roadblocks that caused me to sway from my original idea. If I were to continue with this piece, I would add something in the background, like the overhead lights to allow the viewer to place the people in a setting.