Sustained Investigation #2


9 X 12in


In this piece, I really wanted to show the struggles, temptations and search for adrenaline rush, all parts of being a teen. These things include procrastination, drugs, anxiety, and so much more. I chose to create a piece that includes the harsher parts of being youthful because I feel like it will relate to people my age, and it is a huge, if not the biggest part of teen years.

To create this piece, I used acrylic and pen. I first went in with pen before going over my design with acrylic in order to layer both mediums in an interesting and confusing way that I thought would better relate to the theme.

This processes that I used in this investigation were different than my other investigations because I layers different mediums (pen and acrylic), rather than just using acrylics. There was no one way of going about this piece, I just added things that I thought related to the theme in a jumbled and chaotic way.