Sustained investigation #13

Split Faces

11' X 9'

Watercolor and pen

The main idea the guided this piece was bipolar depression and borderline personality disoder, or more commonly known as BPD. I wanted to create a piece that reconizes this mental illness and what it might feel like because I feel like BPD gets looked over a lot in todays world. Bipolar depression and BPD have a lot of shared symptoms, that being having a slpit personality, hence the name of the piece, "Split Faces," and the two faces, one happy, one sad.

To create this piece, I first, like always started out with a sketch. I then went over everything with pen and then went in with watercolor. I know that this piece needed color to represent the happy and sad faces more accuralty and in two extreames: Blue for sadness, and red for happiness-that is usally slightly manic - and that is why I chose red instead of a lighter color such as pink or yellow.

At frist, as I talked abut easiler, this piece was only going to be black and white, but once I finsihed with the pen sketch, I realised that the piece simily did not look whole. Because of this, I felt in with highly pigmneted watercolor to represent the two extreames that both BPD and biopolar depression deal with.