Blind Contour

For this assignment, our class was asked to draw a blind contour drawing, which essentially is drawing something, without looking at what your putting in the page, and just focusing on the true shape of your hand. For this blind contour drawing, we had to draw two hands and a self portrait. To make this piece, we used sharpie at the beginning when we could not look, and then we were allowed to add what we thought necessary weather that be adding watercolor, charcoal, or more lines.

The goal of this piece was to create balance and unity. To achieve this, I used the same colors of blue, yellow, and red throughout the piece to create a sense of unity. To achieve balance, I made the color the same value and placing it evenly throughout. Not only the color creates balance and unity, I also added lines that were that maintained the structure, and style of the piece, therefore creating balance. At first I had no idea of how to start, but once I started adding lines here and there, slowly the piece began to evolve. After I got the main idea of a godly and narrative piece, more ideas came like adding eyes to the mountain, tentacles coming out of the water, and small sail boats on massive waves. To start, one half of my page had all of the blind contour drawings on them, and without knowing, I just started to add more shapes and lines on one side. About mid-way through with assignment, I realized that my piece was unbalanced, so I connected the dotted lines from the right side and formed them into waves on the left, from that point on, my piece slowly come to life.

I wanted this piece to show the turmoil of the mind. The dotted lines show lead your eye to a whole bunch of either beautiful mountains, or rough seas which signifies the all states of mind and presence. This project represents how often I daydream, and how frequently I am distracted by things that I find more interesting. I am most proud of the relatable story that I hope I got across in some form. At first I struggled at how and where to start, to overcome this struggle, I started adding more lines to see if I would be able to see more things and therefore my artwork would slowly begin to take it's form, however adding lines and dots to see what I could do with them lead to some consequences as well, because I added some unwanted details like the eye shaped black dot in the middle of the page. I wish that the yellow in the middle was more muted so that ones eye does not go straight to that one spot. To fix this in the future, I could add darker yellow in other spots as well.