Sustained Investigation #6

Good Days

9 x 12


In this piece, I am once again, similar to my sustained investigation #4, trying to portray the fun part of being a teen, or being youthful. This, for me, although it was hanging out with friends in sustained investigation #4, is also being by myself and finding peace being alone. This project relates to my life in the sense that the reference for this drawing is a photo of me that was taken 3 years ago now, when I was on vacation in Italy relaxing.

To create this piece, I frist started out sketching my face, using my reference photo onto mixed media paper. After the drawing was to my liking, I then went in with pen, chunking that highlight and shadows together to create something that looks slightly more abstract. I common technique I used to do this was just using lines and using tighter lines where there are shawdows and looser lines, or none at all where there were highlights.

This project was fairly easy for me, so the evolution of it overall did not take many interesting turns, for worse or better.