Multimedia Drawing

In this assignment, we were asked to create a charcoal and ink drawing of a photo that we personally took that had a central focus. To do this, we had to start by selecting a photo, and then we made grids on that photo and the drawing paper so that we could have a reference to the proportions of the photo. Of course, to practice before doing this summative, we did a formative of a value scale, and a three dememsional circle; a cube in preperation for this task. The subject of this piece was, of course, my dog, Millie. To make this piece come to life, we used charcoal, and ink, then proceeded to fill in each section, using the ink and darker shades of charcole in the shawdows and places of deeper value, and white charcole in places of lighter value, such as the areas where the sun hits Millie's fur.

To make this piece, I used lots of the concept value to create shadows and hightlights, this value helped the piece seem more realistic and also helped it come to life a little more. I first started with a medium tone of gray as a base layer, then began adding these hightlights and shawdows. This project was easy to start, but it was hard to keep going without wanting to start over because the medium toned gray was not very appealing to the naked eye. However once I began adding darker and lighter tones, I slowly began to like it a little more, and I wanted to continue.

There is no particular story behind this piece, I simply wanted to do a piece that reminded me of realaxing summer nights. This project realates to my life in the sense that it is literally a drawing of my life last summer. In this piece, I am most proud of my hightlights in Millie's fur. Although the hightlights were easy to do, I thought they added another realistic demension. As I said before, I struggled most with liking my piece, and wanting to finish it. However once I started adding things that made the drawing more appealing like highlights, I wanted to continue. I also struggled with being to particular at first, but after getting used to the medium, I began to feel more comfortable, and I was not as timid to add new details. My artwork could be stronger in the sense that it needs more little details. At times, I felt too lazy or got too annoyed to finish the more complicated and nitty gritty details, so I just sumarized them instead. To stop this in the future, I would ask Mr. A for more help so that I will not feel the need to summarize the details that make my work look finished and realistic.