Twist Hairstyles

Twist hairstyles are not only stylish; they’re also practical, especially now that we’ve been social distancing and most of us are in the mood to switch things up. Whatever natural hair texture you have, twist braids are a gorgeous alternative to regular braids. Instead of a regular braid which uses 3 sections of hair, a twist braid uses 2 sections of hair. The “twist” part comes in because each section is twisted on its own before it’s twisted around the other section. This creates the soft and feminine look of the twist and keeps its shape. Twist hairstyles come in all lengths and sizes, can be worn down or as an up-do, and (best of all) they’re easy to do!

Braid twist hairstyles are also considered protective hairstyles, since they usually consist of weaving in hair extensions onto a person’s real, natural hair, thus shielding it from heat and styling damage for weeks at a time.