Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes

Learn great DIY Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes. This is one of the most popular carrier oils that reduces the signs of aging. While it is a little more expensive, it is a great addition to your skin care ingredients. It makes creams incredibly silky while reducing sun spots and wrinkles! Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes. I even mix it with my powdered mineral makeup for flawless coverage!

As a widely used raw material, Citric Acid is present in many commonly used products across various industries and sectors. Added to food products and beverages such as carbonated drinks, for example, it can function as a preservative, pH regulator, stabilizer, and an acidulant, boosting flavor profiles with its characteristic sharp, sour taste. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes. In pharmaceuticals, Citric Acid can act as an anticoagulant and chelating agent; its salts bind to calcium ions, a key component of the blood clotting process, thereby preventing the formation of clots. In cosmetics and personal care, Citric Acid serves as an affordable cosmetic ingredient frequently used to make bath bombs and to reduce the pH of formulations. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes.

These acids are not corrosive like inorganic acid such as nitric acid or sulphuric acid but used in higher concentration they can slough off dead skin cells from the outermost layer of the skin, and hence they are used in chemical peels. Well, you never knew that the skin you touch were the cells that were completely dead, just like your hair, did you? You really need to read my article on the structure of skin. And you can use alpha hydroxy acids to rejuvenate your skin. Clinical studies have shown that skin treated with alpha hydroxy acids is more youthful and healthy – they increase the epidermal thickness and the synthesis of compounds that are beneficial for the skin. We are going to see one such alpha hydroxy acid- Citric acid.

WHAT IS CITRIC ACID RAW MATERIAL? Citric Acid is a naturally-occurring compound found especially in citrus fruits such as lime, lemons, oranges, and grapefruits. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes. It is produced commercially for specific industrial applications within the food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical sectors. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes. Intriguingly, this weak acid also happens to play a key role in the metabolism of practically all living beings; it is the first compound created in a series of complicated reactions within our cells used to generate energy.

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Emulsifying Wax-I don’t love using emulsifying wax because I feel it serves no beneficial purpose for the skin, but it is 100% necessary if you are making a lotion. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes. It simply binds water and oil and allows them to thicken. The more you use, the thicker your cream. Be sure to purchase yours from Mountain Rose Herbs-there's vegetable based and comes from naturally occurring fats and esters. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes.

Vitamin E Oil-I add this antioxidant oil for it’s anti-aging qualities, but I also like it because it will help preserve your products. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes. Rosehip Seed Oil. Not been taking bath in sour milk lately have you? Well, Cleopatra did it and so should you. The lactic acid present in sour milk would have done wonders for your skin texture and hydration. Lactic acid is a member of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) family. Alpha hydroxy acids are weak organic acids found in food; Malic acid comes from apples, citric acid is derived from citrus fruits, lactic acid is found in sour milk, and tartaric acid is a constituent of wine.

Citric acid is an alpha hydroxy acid and is a very powerful antioxidant that not only stimulates collagen production but contains the skin damaging activities of free radicals. It is used in anti-aging products to promote skin peeling and re-growth in the case of anti-aging products.

Citric Acid helps with pH adjustment

The pH level of skincare formulations is an extremely vital factor deciding both quality and safety. An ideal pH enables products to become more safe, pleasant, and less irritating to use. In addition, the performance of some actives, colorants, thickeners, and other ingredients can also be dependent on the pH level; deviations can result in undesired outcomes such as discoloration, changes in viscosity, and poor product performance. If the formula ends up becoming too alkaline, Citric Acid can be added to lower the pH to a desired level. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes.

Have a quick look:

Citric Acid can rejuvenate skin to become more youthful and healthy.

It has astringent and exfoliating properties.

Citric Acid is great for brightening skin,

Citric Acid can help in shrinking pores,

Great in treating acne

Citric Acid can clear dark spots

Citric Acid can Prevents and repair fine lines on the skin


1 tsp Citric Acid

2 tbsp of honey

2 tbsp of plain yoghurt

​5ml Vitamin-E Oil

The last thing you’ll want to do is subject those new skin cells to sun damage because that contributes to aging, the opposite of what we are trying to achieve! Learn great DIY Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes.

Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes for Naturals

let’s make a nice face mask with citric acid.

Citric Acid Face Mask

Are you wondering Why we need to make a face Mask with Citric Acid?


Citric Acid Raw Material is a highly versatile product that can perform many functions within cosmetics. Learn great DIY Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes. The fine, uniform consistency of this powder affords seamless dissolving in water and effortless mixing with other bath bomb ingredients for a high-quality product. Its multi-purpose nature is especially valuable in all-natural formulations as well. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes.

Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes DIY

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) derived from fruit acids are among the best ways to exfoliate your skin. By breaking down the bonds that hold the cells together, they help slough off the dead skin cells, loosen dirt, makeup, and clogged pores to reveal smooth skin beneath [source]. Citric Acid-Citric Acid actually lowers the pH of your product, making it more acidic. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes. Bacteria do not grow as easily or rapidly in an acidic environment. Technically, citric acid is not a preservative but it does help prolong your shelf life. The citric acid I use comes from Mountain Rose Herbs-a company I trust to keep it real! Citric acid will typically be used in cleansers. Citric acid can not be used with the preservative Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes..

There are several types of fruit acids found in commercial skincare products today [source], but they can also be easily made with a few fresh ingredients at home. When applied to the face, these simple AHA face masks help revitalize skin, giving you a gorgeous, fresh glow. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes.

Just be sure you are following any fruit acid treatment or mask with the proper sunscreen. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes.

What Is Citric Acid Raw Material?What Are The Benefits Of Citric Acid?Citric Acid Uses & ApplicationsHow To Use Citric Acid In Formulations?Additional ResourcesUsing Citric Acid Safely Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes.

Citric Acid is a natural organic acid present abundantly in citrus fruits such as limes and lemons. It is also a raw material manufactured specifically for industrial purposes and used in a wide variety of products, including food and beverages, pharmaceutical preparations, detergents, bath products, skincare, haircare, and many other cosmetics. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes.

Due to its diverse benefits, Citric Acid is popular in natural formulations: it can act as a pH adjuster and corrector, enhance the stability and shelf-life of products, contribute to the optimal performance of various actives, and also produce bubbles (fizzing) in desired bath or spa products. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes.

Citric Acid also has known skincare benefits. It belongs to the AHA family of acids, which supports skin exfoliation to reveal a fresh and firmer complexion. It is also an antioxidant used in anti-aging applications.

I started searching the internet for DIY recipes. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes. Let me tell you, I tried A LOT of duds. Many recipes I ran into, while they were organic and clean, they were GREASY and/or lumpy!!! Plus, I was confused about preservatives-I knew you needed them to be safe but I just wasn’t sure if I could add them and still keep my products healthy.

Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes. Many of you are out there considering making your own products but don’t know where to start. Some of you might even be wondering why would you make your own beauty products?? Go HERE for info on why.. Citric Acid

Citric acid can be found in various citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and limes. It has many benefits for the skin, but as far as AHA face masks go, citric acid is best known for lightening acne spots and improving the overall texture of skin. This homemade lemon and milk facial mask can help inject some citric acid into your beauty routine.

While you can use most citrus fruits, it’s best to avoid limes, as exposure to sunlight 48 hours after lime juice touches your skin can set up some predisposed people to a nasty case of dermatitis.

Citric Acid Face Mask Recipe

Lemon + Milk Mask

2 tablespoons full fat organic milk

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

Mix milk with lemon juice in a small bowl, and let it sit on the counter for a couple of hours until it curdles. Then apply liberally to your neck and face, avoiding the eyes. Leave on for at least 20 minutes (longer is okay), and you’ll feel it tightening as it dries. Then rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer. I remember when I started playing with the idea of replacing my facial products at my spa with homemade skin care. Citric Acid Skin Care Recipes I was so overwhelmed! I wasn’t sure I could actually make quality products that my clients would approve of-after all facials are expensive! Today I’m writing my Beginner’s Guide to DIY Skin Care in the hopes I can clear up any trepidation you might have if you’re undecided on this hobby!