Ceramic Flat Iron Guide

Is ceramic hair straightener good?

Ceramic hair straighteners are great for smoothening out hair and reducing frizz. Ceramic plates evenly distribute heat, hold heat for long and control heat. The plates are either ceramic coated, ceramic plate or tourmaline plate or coated. Ceramic plates are best for fine or thin hair. best ceramic flat irons Ceramic plates allow the hair to glide through the iron smoothly, without snags or damage. Another extreme benefit of ceramic plates over the cheaper glass and metal ones is that they heat evenly. Glass and metal plates don't heat evenly which results in hot spots on the iron which will burn your hair. Does ceramic straightener damage your hair?

Is ceramic or titanium better for fine hair?

Your hair type and hair needs will define the results. A thick hair type will need more heat and therefore work better with titanium. Ceramic, on the other hand, is suitable for Fine hair which causes less heat damage.

If you'd like to minimize damage from straightening your hair, the first thing you want to look for is a flat iron with ceramic plates, because the ceramic material evenly distributes heat all the way across the plates, so chunks of your hair won't burn because of hot spots.