Vegetarian Foods for Hair Growth

Vegetarian Foods for Hair Growth

Having thick, coarse hair my whole life, I can tell you that eating your way to good hair works far better than relying on trendy, chemical-laden shampoos and conditioners, or those sticky sprays and gels. In fact, turning to food instead of products is actually what turned my hair around for the better. If you’d like to improve your locks and get a gorgeous mane, I’ve got good news for you – all you need to do is pick up your fork and eat some pretty delicious vegan foods. Easy enough, right? Vegetarian Foods for Hair Growth

The popularity of veganism is growing exponentially every year. Proponents cite a love for animals, a desire to help the environment, and a need to resolve health issues as reasons for choosing a plant-based lifestyle. Well-planned vegan diets that center around whole foods are associated with many health benefits including improved cardio-metabolic markers, lower BMIs, and more stable blood sugar levels. Your doctor or a nutritionist can guide you if you are thinking of making the switch to this or any new diet so that you can ensure you are giving your body everything it needs. Adding these ten vegan foods to your diet as well will help promote the health of your hair.

Algal oil

You can find this algae-derived, omega-3 powerhouse oil in a variety of vegan fish and shellfish substitutes and in supplements. It is also a neutral cooking oil. Omega-3 helps to reduce inflammation, nourish hair follicles, and encourage longer, stronger hair growth. Additionally, algal oil contains key nutrients including iodine which promotes thyroid health. Vegetarian Foods for Hair Growth

While many animal foods are promoted as beauty foods, I always say turn to plants instead whenever possible. Avocados are commonly known as a food that’s healthy for your heart and mind, but they also happen to be especially great for your hair. Avocados’ healthy fats promote moisture throughout the entire body so they not only help prevent hair breakage but can also help your hair grow longer and stay stronger. Vegan foods are practically bursting with nutrients to make your hair, skin, and nails look fantastic, not to mention your mind and body. Plus, eating these vegan foods that make your hair gorgeous is friendlier to animals and the planet, so there’s no guilt included. Include more of these awesome foods into your routine and in just weeks or about a month, you’re likely to see a huge improvement in your locks.

1. Avocados grilled chickpea-stuffed avocado

Try them out in these 10 vegan recipes and take on a new appreciation for this everyday green fruit.

Leafy Green Vegetables

Leafy greens such as kale, collard, mustard, and micro greens, swiss chard, cabbage, and broccoli should be a staple for every vegan. They are cram-packed with nutrients, anti-oxidants, and fiber. Some crucial hair-helpful vitamins they contain are iron, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Iron carries oxygen to the hair follicles, vitamin A helps to create sebum, and vitamin C protects the hair from destructive free-radicals.

Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional Yeast, or nooch as it is lovingly referred to in the vegan community, is a savory seasoning that is full of B vitamins that are otherwise difficult to obtain through other foods and supplements. It has a cheesy flavor, and for that reason it is often used in sauces and savory dishes (I like to sprinkle it on plain popcorn, along with a little sea salt). It can help relieve stress, which is associated with some forms of hair loss. Vegetarian Foods for Hair Growth