How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil

How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil

If you’ve ever struggled with restoring your edges, excessive shedding, or thinness, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about the alleged miracle hair growth properties of castor oil. Does castor oil stimulate hair growth?

“No studies exist showing castor oil can increase hair growth >1cm/month, which is the FDA standard of hair growth Learn How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil. However, I have patients tell me differently all the time. Additionally, 90% of castor oil is made up of the fatty acid ricinoleic acid. [It] is known to stimulate the Prostaglandin E2 receptor, which can lead to blood vessel dilation. When applied to the scalp, increased blood vessel dilation increases the flow of oxygen-rich and nutrient-rich blood to the powerhouse of your follicle, the dermal papilla, or the root of the hair.

Bridgette Hill agrees that castor oil indirectly promotes hair growth. “Because of the nutrients in castor oil, it protects the hair follicle from outside cellular and tissue invaders that destroy the health and vitality of the hair follicle.

A quick search on YouTube yields dozens of positive testimonials that show brows restored to Cara Delevingne status and edges even i would envy. Learn How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil. But is there any scientific evidence to back castor oil’s growth stimulation claim? To find out, we talked to two hair experts: board-certified dermatologist and hair restoration. Learn How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil.

Leave the treatment in your hair for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Or overnight.

In the morning...

Wash with shampoo and conditioner post-treatment. Learn How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil.

Shampoo twice to ensure you clean off any oil residue as coconut oil and Jamaican black castor oil are both very heavy oils.

How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil The Smart Way

For an ultra-hydrating weekly treatment, coat your hair with castor oil and slap on a shower cap before going to bed. This'll allow the oil to deeply condition your hair and scalp while you sleep. When you wake up, gently comb your hair and follow with shampoo and conditioner. Note: Some people opt for a double shampoo to help rinse the castor oil all the way out.

It's important to keep in mind that hair growth doesn’t happen overnight—regardless of what products or treatments you’re using. “There is no standard as far as how often you should use castor oil, but I’d recommend one to two times a week for at least three months, as that’s typically how long before you’ll see new hair coming in,” says Blaisure. And hey, if after three months you still aren’t seeing a significant change, at the very least, you’ll have hydrated, shiny-as-hell hair. Here's a few tried-and-true methods for applying castor oil to help get you started Learn How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil.

Like rosemary oil or peppermint oil.

Both of these have shown to be effective in stimulating hair growth.

JBCO has been in my regimen since 2009/2010. My stylist introduced it to me and I read rave reviews on several hair forums back then. I tested this oil out for myself and noticed a significant growth increase just by applying it to my scalp weekly. I then created a series of Castor Oil Challenges with hundreds of participants in order to achieve increased growth and thickness together! It was a huge success.

Since then, I continued to incorporate JBCO into my hair regimen in several different ways that have truly been beneficial in promoting growth while improving the health of my hair. Below is a quick rundown of the 5 Ways I Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil in My Hair Regimen:

1. Scalp Hair Growth Oil - I apply this oil to my scalp at least 1-2 per week to promote healthy hair growth. I notice thicker new growth and more length on relaxer day (or when I flat iron) by consistently using JBCO on a clean scalp. Too, it works so well for my edges!

2. Deep Conditioner Addition - If I notice my hair is very dry and brittle I'll add 1-2 tsps (along with my 3 penetrating oils - avocado, coconut and olive oil) to my deep conditioner. JBCO really helps to soften my hair and draw moisture into my strands (acts as a humectant). It works like a charm!


If you're itching for something really effective to make at home?

Here is a powerful natural hair growth remedy using Jamaican black castor oil:

What Is Jamaican Black Castor Oil?

Before we look at what Jamaican black castor oil is, let’s first learn about castor oil. Castor oil is extracted from the seeds of the castor oil plant, which, when cold pressed, is pale yellow and transparent.

On the other hand, Jamaican castor oil is extracted in a different way, which is also the traditional method of extraction. First, the seeds are roasted and then pulverized in a mortar. Then, water is added, after which these mashed beans are slow-boiled on a wood fire. What we get as a result is unadulterated, thick, pungent, and dark brown castor oil – which is also known as Jamaican black castor oil.

This is just one of the many differences between castor oil and Jamaican black castor oil. Read below for more on the differences between these two oils.

Try this Scalp Nourishing Hair Mask with Jamaican Black Castor Oil Learn How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil.


1 part Jamaican black castor oil

1 part coconut oil

a few drops of organic peppermint, jojoba or rosemary essential oil

Mix well.

What to do:

Gently massage the treatment into your scalp for 5 minutes, ensuring all your scalp is coated.

This is a great treatment to try with the Inversion Method. JAMAICAN BLACK CASTOR OIL

Give your temple the nourishment it craves! Our Black Castor Oil collection features powerful, all-purpose oils created from rejuvenating Jamaican castor beans, making it the perfect, multi-use treatment product available, ranging from hot oil hair regimens to body softening lotions. Perfect for everyday use.

There are other uses for Jamaican Black Castor Oil that can benefit your hair, skin nails, and health.

How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil Quickly

Hair treatments with Jamaican black castor oil

As of recent;

There are plenty of products on the market that include Jamaican black castor oil.


What Are The Benefits Of Jamaican Black Castor Oil For The Skin?

The omega-9 fatty acids in Jamaican black castor oil contribute to skin health. They help treat inflammation and the resultant problems like acne. And more importantly, its antifungal and antibacterial properties help heal numerous infections like ringworms. Check out here some of the amazing Jamaican black castor oil benefits.

1. May Help Treat Acne

If you prefer to keep things au naturelle, you can use the oil on its own.

Or combine with other great hair growth oils. How do you apply castor oil to hair?

castor oil Learn How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil.

There's no right or wrong way to apply castor oil to your hair—some people like to leave it on overnight while others like to massage it into their scalp. The best method for you totally depends on your hair type and concerns. As a reminder, Jamaican black castor oil is on the thicker side, so it’s best for anyone with dense or coarse hair, whereas regular cold-pressed castor oil is great for finer hair types.

Why Jamaican black castor oil hair treatment should be included in your hair care routine.

Without further adieu...

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Jamaican Black Castor Oil vs. Regular Castor Oil

What's the difference between Jamaican black castor oil and regular castor oil?

Good question.

Regular castor oil is made up of a powerful mix of proteins, vitamins, fatty acids, and antioxidants. Learn How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil.

And; JBCO is made from the beans or seeds of the castor plant (Ricinus communis), just like all other kinds of castor oil. The difference is in the processing method. While clear castor oil is pressed from fresh seeds, Jamaican black is made by first roasting those seeds and then pressing them (there’s a more detailed account of that below).

jamaican black castor oil

© Wildly Natural Skin Care

This might not seem like too big of a difference. However, it actually is on a few levels. First, the roasting process creates a small amount of ash. The ash tends to be more alkaline (higher) in pH- like lye but not to a caustic point. This higher pH can help to clarify the scalp and remove anything that may be clogging the pores.

Alkaline substances also open the cuticles, allowing the oil to get in and do its work. This is great for times when your hair might not be as thick as you’d like it to be.

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These are the key ingredients required to grow a strong, healthy mane of hair.


While regular castor oil is great for repairing hair breakage and cleansing the scalp... hasn't been scientifically proven to stimulate hair growth. Learn How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil.

However, on the contrary:

Science has shown that Jamaican black castor oil for hair growth is more effective.

This is due to its high ash content.

From eyebrows and eyelashes, to hair and skin.


Why is Jamaican black castor oil for hair growth much more effective than regular castor oil for hair growth?


What's the difference between the two oils?

The most popular way to use Jamaican Black Castor Oil, there’s a number of benefits and ways to use it in your hair:

Seal in moisture – (especially beneficial to fraying ends). Simply moisturize your hair and use JBCO on the ends of your hair.Learn How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil.

To smooth frizz – This works for up-do styles and protective styles mostly. This wouldn’t work as well for hairstyles where your hair is out. Because JBCO is very heavy, it will weigh your hair down, especially if it’s fine. You could test a small amount on frizzy curls but results could be less than desirable if you want your hair to have movement.

To strengthen – When JBCO is a part of a protein treatment, it can aid in the strengthening of your hair.

Stimulate hair growth – regular scalp massages using Jamaican Black Castor Oil will awaken dormant hair follicles. You can also apply a tablespoon of JBCO to your other hair products:

Deep conditioners

Hair masks

Leave in conditioners (see my modified version of Kimmaytube’s Leave in Conditioner Recipe here) Learn How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil.

DIY Hair Butter – like the DIY scrub above, you can create a DIY hair butter for winter hair care

DIY Hair Butter

In this article:

I'm going to give you my detailed and (very) well researched review on Jamaican black castor.

This Jamaican black castor oil review is based on both my own personal experience using the product.


The research I have done before and since trying it to better understand this unique oil.

Learn How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil. Jamaican Black Castor Oil (also called JBCO) is famous for stimulating hair growth in dormant hair follicles. However, that’s not the only way you can use JBCO. Why Jamaican Black Castor Oil Is Incredible For Hair Growth

Jamaican black castor oil for hair growth has been a tradition in Jamaica for many years.

It's used as a universal solution for many hair and skin ailments.

And in recent times:

More and more brands are including Jamaican black castor oil as a key ingredient in hair treatments.

It's always exciting finding a completely natural, new ingredient that you can incorporate into your hair care routine. Learn How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil.


Jamaican black castor oil is just that:

A universally beneficial organic oil for hair and skin.

Here's the thing...

The protein and antioxidant-rich Jamaican black castor oil is known to make everything flourish.