How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length [SUPER FAST!]

Wearing high ponytails or buns every day is putting your hair under too much stress.

Keep your hairstyles simple.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy it because that would defeat the purpose of growing it long but it’s a good idea to do hairstyles that don’t require a lot of tugging and tightness.

How To Grow Natural Hair Fast: Tip 1 – Understand The Structure of African Black Hair

It is important to understand the structure of Afro hair, in order to understand the best practices to help grow and manage it. You simply cannot grow long natural hair without understanding how your hair structure functions and why it frizzes or curl. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

It is commonly believed that the hair shaft of most 4b/c Afro hair types are flat with a more twisted structure and a thinner diameter compared with other hair types.

In addition to this, the curly nature of African hair makes it difficult for the oils from the root of the hair, to travel up to the ends of the hair. For these reasons, Afro hair is more prone to dryness than other hair types, making it more vulnerable to breakage.

If you have enough length twist outs can be a great low maintenance hairstyle. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

By low maintenance, it means that you don’t have to necessarily redo it every day or put a lot of work into it.

So, how long does it take to grow 4c hair to waist length or longer?

There are many things that can be the factors that determine your hair growth rate.

Factors such as your hair regimen, your growth rate and how well your hair can retain it’s length. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

What are the 3 key practices to grow 4c hair to waist length in a nutshell?

Low manipulation

Regular Moisture

Regular Deep conditioning Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

I currently don’t have a scientific explanation for this, but generally, parts of your head such as your edges will be significantly shorter than the rest. And this is just pre-determined by the genetics that control your hair growth cycle. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

Another reason your hair length is uneven can be explained by the simultaneous hair growth cycle that’s taking place all over your scalp. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

While a particular follicle might have hair that’s about 6 years old and 12 inches long, a neighboring follicle might have baby hair that’s only a few months old and not longer than 1 inch. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

What happens is that most people ask about hair growth, but the truth is your hair is always growing(almost) because your hair grows in cycles.

The issue is length retention. I have also come to understand over the years, that what influences natural Afro hair growth and hair loss is the health of the hair follicle. Hair follicles need nutrients to grow strong, healthy hair strands. When the body doesn’t get enough nutrients, non-essential parts like hair and nails are the first parts of the body to be affected. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length. It is, therefore, important to get a healthy, balanced diet or take a hair growth supplement to grow natural African and black hair types.

Below are a few tips on how to grow natural 4C Black African hair fast and healthy and tips to keep natural Afro hair healthy. I have also included my daily hair care routine for those who have been asking and how to make the best natural hair products for 4C hair.

Length retention could be a more important factor for many naturals and it’s often overlooked.

How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length Fast


Having a low maintenance hairstyle is really important. The number of people that I see changing up their hair and doing very labour-intensive styles on a regular basis always shocks me. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

The problem with always trying to create something new and intensive with your hair every day is that there is more chance of tension and breakage to occur.


Now it makes sense why your best friends hair seem to grow faster than yours, right?!

Why has your 4c natural hair seem to have stopped growing?

This question is what I used to ask myself all the time. Hair growth cycle happens simultaneously Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

Like I’ve mentioned earlier, each individual hair follicle has its own hair growth cycle that runs separately from the others. This is why you still have hair on your head, despite the fact that your hair sheds everyday. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

If you believe your hair is not growing because it’s taking forever to grow long, these simple 4 stages of hair growth just proved that your hair is constantly growing.

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If you’re not going bald, it means your hair is growing

If you believe that your hair is not growing, you should notice some bald spots on your head because when your hair shed, new hair never grew out of the follicle. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

However, if you don’t have any bald spot anywhere on your scalp, it means that your hair growth cycle is going strong and your hair is always growing.

Your problem might be length retention which I will discuss later on.

Four Stages That Determines Your Natural Hair Growth Potential

Frequently asked natural hair growth questions

Now that I’ve broken down the science of hair growth, I want to answer some frequently asked questions and address popular hair growth tips from a scientific and practical point of view.

Why is my hair not the same length?

I’ve had naturalistas ask why one part of their hair is longer than the other side. Some claim that their left side is shorter or longer than the other side. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

What’s happening with your hair is not what’s happening with my hair. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

The thing is, what I want you to know is that the process to grow long hair can vary for each person and it’s really about increasing the number of right things that you do for your hair and the reducing the number of wrong things that you do for your hair. growing longer hair is constantly mentioned. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length. Do your research. Read every article online on haircare, if you can. Okay, I'm kidding. That's probably not possible! However, do take your time to learn about haircare. It takes a while to accumulate and sift through all the information online, but take your time to read other's opinions on haircare. Other's hair journeys will inform your own.

The next three are probably THE MOST important in retaining the health and length of your hair!!

8. Moisturise. This simply means: add water to the length of your strands, focusing on the ends as these are the oldest. Plain old water is the best moisturiser. You could also opt to use several other moisturising products including leave-in conditioners, deep conditioners and hair mists. Whatever you do, keep your strands moisturised regularly - deep condition at least once a week.

9. Seal. This simply means: keep your hair's moisture locked in by adding an oil to the length of your hair rather than to your scalp. Sealing is a crucial step in ensuring your hair remains moisturised long after wash day.

10. Protect. This simply means: Avoid combs, heat and invasive hairstyles that require a lot of manipulation and products. The less you do, the better. Our hair thrives when it's left alone. Keep the ends of your hair tucked in buns or if you're hair is still in TWA stage, coated with a heavy oil. Wear your hair in protective styles such as two strand twists or wigs. Protecting our hair means it's less prone to damage.

When I visit natural hair forums, hair growth is talked about ad nauseam. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length. When I meet new naturals, 90% of them ask me about it.

Manufacturers are creating “special” hair growth products to capitalize on people’s curiosity. Authors are writing books claiming to have secret techniques that will boost your hair growth. Some ethnic groups sell their hair in order to capitalize on the never-ending desire of many people to have longer hair.

In other words, working on improving the good practices of your hair routine can help you grow 4c hair to waist length in no time! Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

How long does it take to grow 4c hair to waist length?

It depends because hair growth does not occur immediately.

Your hair grows at roughly ½ inch per month which means that the typical head of hair will grow six inches per year.

If you check it out and depending on your personal genetics, your hair may grow more quickly or more slowly. NATURAL HAIR GROWTH TIPS FOR WAIST LENGTH HAIR

Over the years after trying to work out the secret to growing long natural hair I finally discovered that there is, in fact, no secret at all. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

That might shock you because it did me. Sometimes hearing the truth is more liberating than hearing what you think you want to hear.

The truth is that there is no secret that is being kept away from you but rather there are little things that if you implement into your daily and weekly routine will help you to grow your waist-length hair.

I hope that you are not discouraged after reading about the amount of time you have to invest to really grow long hair. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

It’s really important that you learn how to properly care for your hair and you will eventually achieve your goals – it may just take time.

If you decide to consistently utilize heat, hair dyes, tight styles, shady growth products, trim too aggressively or perform other activities that could affect your length retention, then you may cause a setback and quite possibly make it even more difficult to reach your hair growth goals.

If you’re ready to actually start growing longer hair

1. Anagen

This is the birth phase of the hair, it’s also the most active phase because this is when your hair is actively growing. The good news is that this phase takes up about 90% of your hair growth cycle, up to 6 years long! Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length. This means that your hair is ALWAYS growing. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length Overnight

Does all natural hair grow at the same rate?

Sis, listen up!

The amount of time required to grow your hair to your desired length can depend on many different things including your hair care regimen, your actual growth rate, and your ability to retain length. Next to consuming proper nutrients and staying hydrated, this is the next most important thing you can do for your hair. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length. Not only is 4c type hair pretty fragile, it is also dry and needs consistent moisture. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length. The best moisturizers can be created at home, using products found in your kitchen. Keep in mind that once your moisturize, you should always seal in the moisture with an essential oil such as grapeseed or olive oil. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length. Naturals with every hair type can benefit from this tip. But because a 4c natural’s coils and kinks do not allow for as much sebum or moisture distribution, 4c’s would probably benefit the most.


You should make deep conditioning a regular part of your hair care regimen. I recommend doing so about 2 to 4 times per month, using a sulfate free water based condition. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length. After thoroughly conditioning your hair, place a plastic cap on over your hair and sit under a warm-hot dryer for 15 – 25 minutes. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length. You can also use a hot towel. After each deep conditioning treatment, you will notice that your hair becomes more bouncy and lively. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

If we assume (for the sake of example) that the measurement from the top of your head to the top of your shoulders is roughly 12 inches and that you have an average growth rate of ½ inch per month, it will take two years (or more) with excellent length retention for you to achieve shoulder-length hair assuming that you have recently big chopped down to a brush cut (or for your natural hair to reach shoulder length if you’re transitioning). Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.

Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length. Understanding the Science of Hair Growth

In case you’re wondering why your hair isn’t growing, you must understand how your hair grows and what it requires to continue growing. This is why I want to discuss the hair growth cycle first.

From the diagram below, you can see that there are four main hair growth stages. Every hair follicle on your scalp where your hair grows out of has its own hair growth cycle that happens independently of the others. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length. Most people ask about hair growth, but the truth is your hair is always growing (almost) if you study the hair growth cycles. Length retention could be a more important factor for many naturals and it’s often overlooked. Learn How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length.