Does The Inversion Method Work

Does The Inversion Method Work

If you’ve never heard of the inversion method, then I’m going to fill you in. It has become an internet sensation. Many people stumble across the inversion method in their research on how to get their hair to grow in quickly. The method is supposed to help your hair grow an extra 1-2 inches, at most, per month. The inversion method means literally inverting yourself to make your hair quickly grow longer. All you need to do is apply oil to your scalp and hang off the side of your bed or couch. Some people do a handstand, headstand, or use an inversion table. Yes, all the blood will rush to your head, but that’s the point. The increased blood flow to your scalp should be able to reinvigorate your slowly growing hair follicles.

The increase of blood flow to your scalp can also prevent scalp problems like dandruff, psoriasis, and other issues that prevent your hair from being strong and healthy. If you want to get technical, I can get technical. At the lower part of the hair follicle, you have the hair papilla, hair matrix, hair shaft, and the inner and outer root sheath. The papilla is located in the lower dermis, which is the source of hair growth. The matrix provides capillaries access to nutrients by wrapping around the papilla. With all of this knowledge, we can concur that the inversion method should be able to help hair growth. Does The Inversion Method Work.

There’s no scientific evidence that can back these claims up, but there’s also none that can disprove it. It’s said that baldness is caused by a lack of blood flow to the scalp, so why shouldn’t this work? There are people that swear by it and others that say it’s a lie. Better you try it for yourself than taking other people’s word for it.

Woman leaning head back with hair hanging down.

Your hair needs healthy nutrients and good blood flow in order to grow long and strong.

If you’re currently wondering how the inversion method can help your hair, here’s the answer for you. The inversion method boosts hair by increasing the blood flow to your scalp. I know I make it sound simple, but the biological process of hair growth isn’t that easy to understand. How often should you do the inversion method?

How long does the inversion method take to work?

The Inversion Method claims to grow up to an inch of hair in seven days. The theory behind it is that being inverted, along with a scalp massage, is supposed to increase circulation to the scalp and allow more blood flow to your hair follicles allowing hair growth to increase.

because the hair follicle is a complex structure. You need to start from the root, which is the scalp. Treating the scalp involves using good nutrients and good blood flow. These two aspects are what make up the inversion method. Your hair gets all of its nutrients through your bloodstream. Increasing the blood flow will increase nutrient supply. This is why the inversion method can help your hair. Does The Inversion Method Work. Top 5 Oils For The Inversion Method