How To Moisturize Low Porosity Hair Daily

The quandary of how to moisturize low porosity hair on a daily basis appears to be a major issue.

Whether you prefer your hair in braids or up in a bun, naturals understand that healthy hair is the key to any good hairstyle. But you won't be able to do so unless you keep your hair moisturized.

If you're anything like me, one of my biggest struggles when I first became a curly girl was staying hydrated.

It was humiliating to put all of that effort into washing, conditioning, and moisturizing only to have it be as dry as a bone at the end of the day.

So, what should you do if your low porosity hair refuses to stay moisturized?

It's time to figure out how to moisturize low porosity hair on a daily basis and then KEEP that elusive moisture inside your strands.

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how to moisturize low porosity hair on a daily basis

How to moisturize low porosity hair on a daily basis....

Learn How To Moisturize Low Porosity Hair On A Daily Basis.

Before we get out the spray bottles, let's go over the fundamentals of porosity. The ability of your hair to absorb and retain moisture and oils is referred to as porosity.

The majority of people fall into one of three porosity categories: low, medium, or high. If you're not sure if you have low porosity, here are a few telltale signs:

It takes a long time for your hair to absorb water – and I mean a long time...

Your hair loves to absorb oil right away, but water beads on your hair for a while.

Product accumulation is a major issue for you.

When you put a strand of your hair (without product) in water, it floats rather than sinks.

How To Moisturize Low Porosity Hair Daily Tips

If any of these describe you, you may have low porosity hair. Now, let me state unequivocally that one type of hair is not superior to another. This simply means that you should consider a different method of hair care.

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5 Daily Moisturizer Tips for Low Porosity Hair

I believe you'll benefit greatly from these SMART tips for daily moisturizing of low porosity hair...

1. Wash and rinse your hair with warm water: It's been said that the key to a great daily routine is your wash day, and this is especially true for people with low porosity hair.

Because our hair has a hard time keeping the cuticles open, we must encourage them to stay open until we're finished moisturizing. The best way to accomplish this is to wash and rinse with warm water. When the cuticles close, the moisture you put in will have a difficult time escaping.

2. Make co-washing a priority over shampooing: While shampoo removes dirt and grime, it also removes essential oils and moisture that keep your hair hydrated.

Furthermore, because type 4 hair does not produce much oil and low porosity hair does not lock in many nutrients, shampooing too frequently may exacerbate your moisture retention issues.

As a result, I always recommend co-washing rather than shampooing. Even those of you who sweat a lot or lead an active lifestyle can benefit from co-washing more frequently and cleansing once a week.

3. Use a Hot Head thermal cap to open low porosity cuticles: This is an essential tool for anyone with natural hair who is wondering how to moisturize low porosity hair on a daily basis.

Deep conditioning as a low porosity natural is pointless unless you lift your cuticles to allow the product to penetrate. And the heat from this product will accomplish exactly that! It's a much more effective deep conditioning strategy than the baggy method, and it's much less expensive than a steamer.

Also, use a microfiber towel or a t-shirt to dry your hair.

A traditional towel's purpose is to quickly absorb large amounts of water. Furthermore, traditional towels are too rough on hair and cause breakage.

If you have the opportunity to purchase a microfiber towel before your next wash day, I strongly advise you to do so. You can get some for as little as $5 online; self-care doesn't always have to be expensive.

4. Determine whether a humidifier is right for you: Steam is great for low porosity hair, and many naturals have one in their homes. But here's the catch: the naturals who steam their hair the best are actually using face steamers. Face steamers will use far less heat than hair steamers.

Face steamers are hot enough to open and deeply penetrate your hair strands, aiding in moisture retention. You can also humidify your face while hydrating your hair. Face steamers are also significantly less expensive than hair steamers, and they occasionally come with great skincare goodies.

5. Drink water: If you're anything like me, you struggle to drink water on a regular basis (if at all). However, there are a few things you can do to start making yourself drink more water on a regular basis:

Set timers to remind yourself to drink water.

Get a cute container to drink water from and fill it with tasty fruits to improve the taste of the water.

To make it more refreshing, add ice.

Track your consumption with an app.

When you use these tips on a daily basis, you should notice an improvement in the quality of your hair. Feel free to tweak each tip and trick to achieve your desired level of hair happiness. Please let us know which tips work best for you.

how to moisturize 4c hair on a daily basis


Moisturizing, Growth, and Other Benefits of Low Porosity Hair Products...

I'm sure you'd like to see some of the best low porosity hair products if you want to know how to moisturize low porosity hair on a daily basis. So let's get started with some best-selling oils, deep conditioners for low porosity hair, water-based leave-in conditioner, hair masks, and low porosity hair growth products.

Deep Conditioner for Hair with Low Porosity

Let's get started with a couple of great deep conditioners for low porosity hair that will provide the moisture you need after shampooing and washing your hair.

Conclusion: How To Moisturize Low Porosity Hair Daily

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