Black Men Hair Transplant

Many people from around the world have sought out because of his rare and unique skill as a hair transplant surgeon who specializes in African Americans’ curly hair restoration. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. Although there are many similarities to other ethnic groups when restoring hair, the curly black hair presents many challenges and differences. The differences are:

Unlike Caucasian/white men who tend to have a high hairline or Asian men with a commonly low hairline, African Americans can have both medium high and low hairline.

Black Men Hair Transplant Tips

Hair transplant on patients of African American descent can be challenging due to their hair’s unique features. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. Thanks to the latest advances in hair transplant for black females and hair restoration for black males, African-American hair transplant in Miami is less challenging than it used to be. Presently, African American hair transplant surgeons can get good results for all patients notwithstanding their race and ethnicity.

In this article, we aim to discuss the challenges of African-American hair transplant in Miami and how to overcome them. You will find out whether you are a good candidate for this procedure, what happens during your initial consultation at Care Hair, options for Ethnic and African-American hair transplant in Miami, ethnic hair transplant risks, recovery, cost, and much more. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant.

Baldness and hair loss in African-American patients

Hair loss can affect people from all ethnic backgrounds. Patients experiencing significant hair loss can feel insecure and embarrassed. African American hair transplant has helped many patients improve their confidence. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. Yet many African and Caribbean descent patients may feel worried about getting satisfying results from this type of procedure. Some of the most common hair loss problems for African American patients include:

The African American person’s Zigzag line is smaller in amplitude than the Caucasian’s or Asian’s Zigzag lines because many African American men like to shave their hairline very straight.

We will design a master plan after the initial evaluation of your hair and scalp. You can then schedule your Los Angeles hair restoration surgery or visit one of our other offices. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. The hair transplant procedure usually takes 6-8 hours and is done under sedation and local anesthesia. You will have follow-up appointments after your procedure to assure the proper care of the transplanted hair for the best results.

If you are an African American patient interested in undergoing a hair restoration procedure using Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration’s African American FUE hair transplant techniques Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant.

Hair transplant on those of African American descent is more difficult than Caucasian or Asian ethnicities due to the curly hair and root. Through many years of experience, has overcome these challenges with some specific modifications to ensure excellent hair results. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant.

Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)

This procedure involves removing a strip of scalp with healthy hair growth, then harvesting the hair follicles and re-inserting them into the thinning area. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant.

Some hair transplant surgeons believe this procedure is well suited to African American hair, because of the added challenges of harvesting hair follicles. The claim is that it’s easier to remove healthy hair follicles this way without damaging them.

However, this procedure also results in a distinctive linear scar. This may be harder for black men to conceal for a variety of factors, including the prevalence of very short hairstyles, as well as the visibility of scar tissue in darker skin.

Alopecia – This is a type of hair loss that affects many African American men and women all over the world. Alopecia is a condition where the immune system will attack hair follicles creating bald spots on the surface of the scalp. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. Traction alopecia is one of the most common types of alopecia, particularly in African American women, which is caused by the constant pulling of the hair in some specific hairstyles, and the use of chemicals and heat on the hair.

African Hair Transplant Planning

Scheduling your African American hair restoration procedure is easy. You need to plan a consultation appointment at one of our offices to discuss your specific needs with our hair transplant surgeons.

When performing follicular transplants, the angle at which the follicle is re-inserted into the scalp will determine how curly the new hair growth is. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. Each follicle needs to be carefully placed to ensure that the new hair growth will exactly match the existing hair.

4African American curly hairs & roots can easily be damaged with conventional tools and techniques. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. It has established special tools and methods to place in the hair grafts with a “Screw In” pattern to ensure healthy transplanting of hair grafts without damaging the bulbs.

5It is less efficient to extract curly black hair than straight hair because of a higher chance of damaging the hair bulbs, more so with FUE technique than Strip harvesting method. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant.

In the hair restoration process, the surgeon extracts hair follicles from the donor site, either individual hair follicles (FUE) or an entire strip of scalp from an area of the head that has healthy hair growth (FUT). These follicles are separated into units and transplanted into the balding portion. Over time, the incisions on the scalp will heal, and the follicles start promoting the growth of new hair. The grafting process depends on the severity of the hair loss and the patient’s facial characters, to ensure it looks natural. For younger patients, nothing is fully determined yet, be it the hair loss pattern, or its severity. Thus, the best advisable age for a hair transplant is 25+.

Is it advisable to wait to get a hair transplant?

When young patients start losing hair, they might naturally feel the need to address their hair loss immediately. In such cases, an early hair transplant may seem like a good option to get their prized locks back. However, is this always a good idea? Young patients must understand that transplanted hair will remain constant but hair loss is progressive.

These include:

Hair transplant surgery is an effective permanent way to restore hair growth, but many people of African or Caribbean descent are concerned about getting good results from a transplant procedure- this is for good reason, given that these procedures due to the typical curliness of the donor hairs, can be more challenging and many surgeons do not have sufficient experience or technical skills for successfully working with these hairs. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. There are certain considerations that must be taken when performing hair transplant surgeries on black patients. Given the years of experience, and the team at the Foundation for Hair Restoration have an excellent grasp of the common concerns and challenges facing these ethnic groups of patients in dealing with hair loss, it is possible to produce excellent results for patients with hair transplant surgery. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. This includes not just the use of certain devices for FUE graft harvesting, but also the aesthetic aspects of hairline design, graft planting, and more.

Distinctive Curl

African hair is very curly, but curl tightness and texture can vary depending on the individual.

Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. Hair transplant for African Americans is able to be performed very efficiently these days thanks to the advances in Follicular Unit Extraction/Excision (FUE) hair harvesting methods. African Hair Restoration Tips Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant.

The following is what we always consider when planning an African American FUE hair transplant:

Master Planning– We always perform a microscopic evaluation during our initial consultation appointment to see where patients are heading with their hair loss. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. This microscopic evolution, coupled with a family pattern of hair loss, is a good predictor of the final stages of hair loss in every man. We will discuss the medical treatment, in addition to a hair transplant, that will maintain a full head of hair throughout the life of the patient.

In the past, African American patients, or any patient with curly hair, that wanted to have a hair transplant had a tougher time getting the results they desired because of the texture of their hair. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. This was mostly due to their very curly hair and the limitations of the older FUE hair restoration extracting devices that were only ideal for straight hair.

Black Men Hair Transplant

Due to the curly nature of African American hair, the angle placement is not as important as with straight or wavy hair. However, it will still follow the natural hair angle with variation in degree at different locations to ensure natural growth, allowing the patient to comb his/her hair in any direction or style that he or she desires. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. What Are The Specific Challenges Involved with African American Hair Restoration?

Luckily, there are a number of procedures that can help restore natural hair growth in African American men, whether the underlying cause is traction alopecia, male pattern baldness, or something else.

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But there are a few special challenges involved with African-type hair as well as a few benefits.

Design of the Hairline– It is vital that the natural hairline of an African American patient is considered when designing a new hairline. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. As listed above, there are many differences between an African American hairline and the hairlines of other ethnicities. African American males can choose a lower and straighter hairline or they may mimic a Caucasian mature hairline with corners that are naturally receded. Get The Best Black Men’s Hair Transplant. Either hairline choice can work so the perfect hairline should be planned and executed by an experienced doctor.

Most cases of hair loss can be attributed to male/female pattern baldness, which is mainly due to hormonal changes or genetics i.e. having a history of baldness in the family. Experiencing baldness at a young age can impact someone’s appearance and self-esteem, leading many to consider a hair transplant as a treatment option.

When is the best age to get a hair transplant?

According to hair transplant experts, young men in their early 20s may not be the best candidates for hair restoration surgery. This is because the hair loss cause or pattern may not be fully determined yet. Before recommending the best suitable hair restoration method for you, the surgeon considers several things such as type of hair loss, hair loss pattern, quality of the donor hair, and size of the balding area.

Hair Follicle Orientation– Because of the curly hair found on most African American patients, we take this into account when extracting donor hair follicles from the back of the scalp or elsewhere on the body of the patient. It is crucial to ensure the angle, and curvature, of the transplanted hair follicle follows its natural direction and distribution once it is transplanted into the scalp.