Hair Growth

Our goal is to teach you EVERYTHING you need to know about hair growth oils...

  1. How to find & use the best hair growth oils.

  2. Natural hair care for Black women that's specifically tailored to you...

  3. Unique ways how to make hair grow faster.

  4. African herbs for natural hair growth that really work.

  5. How to find and make EASY DIY natural growth-boosting products for cheap.

  6. How to enjoy NEW natural hairstyles while avoiding hair damage. Hair growth products are everywhere.

You'll see factual information backed by science, before & after growth pictures and a touch of common sense.

The SECRET to hair growth is knowledge and patience.

In many ways black women are at a disadvantage in the hair growth department. Our kinky hair texture can become extremely entangled (nappy). It takes alot of extra effort, and discipline to acquire healthy natural or relaxed black hair. Most black women are losing their hair through chronic breakage because they do not understand the nature of their unique kinky hair texture.

There is science behind how black hair grows long and why black hair tends to remain short. If you want to unlock the reasons behind your chronic short hair; then you have to first gain an understanding of the science behind black hair. Ask yourself, what is it that is making my hair constantly break off every single day?

Learn what makes hair thrive and mimic this within your weekly hair regimen.

Five Top Facts About Black Hair Growth:

Three reasons why your black hair is not growing:

Chemical and/or heat overload (overprocessing)

Lack of moisture/ inadequate moisturization (not enough water on hair)

Too much manipulation/tension (comb, brushes, styling tools)

The magic is in eliminating breakage so that you can gain length.

Let me tell you a secret: YOUR HAIR IS GROWING! It is growing every day, every month, and every year. There is no secret to natural hair growth. There is only science to natural curly hair growth.

If you want to control the nature of anything, you have to go to the basics. Natural black hair has a science similar to all other hair textures. But there is one very important difference that make black hair growth uniquely challenging.

Black Hair Basics:

Black hair CAN grow super long

Hair grows from the scalp, not the ends

Long black hair involves lots of water

Black hair is always growing, breakage prevents long hair

Grease and oils on the scalp can stunt hair growth

Get More Healthy Black Hair Care Tips.

Chronic hair breakage is as bad as it gets in black hair damage.

I am sure you have experienced the infamous sink covered in broken hair strands. How frustrating and discouraging when you are caring for your hair, but the evidence that you are on the wrong track continues to show up.

If your hair is constantly breaking; then your hair care regimen is either missing an important step such as adding moisture; or you are overdoing something such as styling.

For example, are you moisturizing your hair regularly? Does you hair feel soft from day to day? For black hair to thrive and grow long, it has to look and feel healthy most of the time. Healthy black hair is managed well and cleaned often, at least once a week.