How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair {TODAY!}

Learn How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.


When you wet your hair the cuticles are ready to absorb water. When this happens your hair will naturally curl into its natural state and your curl pattern becomes obvious. This is the way that your hair likes to be even if you don’t like it this way. How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.

Although it might seem like a bad thing when your hair shrinks it’s actually not because lots of shrinkage means that your hair is very healthy. How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.

The more your hair shrinks it means that water is being nicely absorbed which is what it needs because natural hair is naturally dry so you always have to be on the lookout for ways to combat dryness. Learn How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.

If you have natural hair and when you wet it your hair does not shrink then it is likely that you have some heat damage going on.

One the other hand if it doesn’t shrink a lot when wet it could be that your hair is not able to absorb moisture well enough.

This is usually that case if your hair has low porosity issues.

Don’t be afraid of shrinkage it’s a very healthy sign for your hair and one you should want to keep. Leave the holders in to allow the hair to stretch as it dries. Allow your hair to air dry, and don’t forget to wrap it with a satin scarf or bonnet. Be sure to use the tangle free (ouch-less pony tail holders to minimize snagging and damage). Do not to use this method too often as it can lead to breakage. How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.


How Do I Stop My Natural Hair From Shrinking?

No matter how healthy your hair is, there will always be some level of shrinkage—and that’s completely fine. Exactly how much really depends on a few things: your curl pattern, how well you care for your hair, how often you moisturize it, and the type of anti-shrinkage products you use at each phase of your hair care routine. Learn How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair. Another way to stretch your hair is by putting it in a high bun when it is slightly damp. Secure the bun in places with a pony tail holder. This will stretch the curls and give your hair a little more length. How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair. Try wearing the bun for an hour to an hour and a half and take it down. Make sure the bun is tight enough to pull your hair and loose enough as to avoid creases How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair. How to minimize 4c hair shrinkage?

If your hair shrinks back every time you curl, it’s clear that your hair is in very good health. However, it may not always give you pleasant look that 4c hair shrinkage makes it appear shorter than its original length. Therefore, we have brought you some of the important methods that will help you to prevent your hair from shrinking.

Use anti-frizz products

Anti-frizz products always help to smooth and elongate 4c hair curls and are best for reducing both frizz and shrinkage 4c hair while you are doing braid-outs, twist-outs or just wash and go thing with your hair. Further, it will help you to preserve the condition and health of the hair as well by eliminating frizz form the hair completely.

Coconut Oil For Glowing SkinCondition the hair with coconut milk

Using the coconut milk in place of conditioner to perfectly conditioning your hair will help to reduce shrinkage on your hair. As coconut milk has a fatty acid content and packs 5 grams protein per cup, it is one of the best solutions if you want to get rid of the shrinkage 4c hair.

If you always apply coconut oil on your hair, you can simply switch to using coconut milk instead as it contains proteins, water, fat, almost everything necessary to reduce shrinkage form 4c hair while creating healthy strands.

While there are a few steps that you can take to reduce the amount of shrinkage you experience, the main anti-shrinkage remedy is moisture. Here’s what to keep in mind. How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.

How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair

What Causes Natural Hair Shrinkage?

The best way to think about hair shrinkage is to compare it to a sponge. The little holes in a sponge that absorb water to both soften and expand the sponge are very similar to the cuticles on a strand of hair. Moisture goes in, and the hair expands—it can also stretch out each strand a bit. WHAT IS HAIR SHRINKAGE? Learn How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.

Hair shrinkage is when your hair looks shorter than what it actually is. Most people with natural hair experience shrinkage of some sort. How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.

It usually tends to happen when your hair gets wet through washing, sweating or if you live in a high humidity area.

If you were to pull a few strands of your natural hair you would see that it can stretch much longer than what it appears to be. It’s completely normal.

Generally speaking, the tighter your coils are the more shrinkage you could experience. Learn How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.

Those with type 4 hair will usually see the most shrinkage over those with type 3 hair.

Some people have seen shrinkage of up to 75% in their natural hair!

Similarly, when you wash a garment, before you wring the water out, it can get a bit heavy and stretched—hair functions in the same way. Water goes in, making each strand more pliable and adds a little bit of weight to it, causing it to elongate and expand. When you leave a sponge out and the water evaporates from it, the sponge shrinks back to its original size. How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.

In the case of hair, when moisture is removed, whether it’s through the natural air drying process or if you’re physically removing water with a hair dryer, the hair will no longer have that weight keeping it stretched out and puffed up. The good thing about shrinkage is that it acts as somewhat of a natural moisture barometer. When curls are hydrated, you’ll notice that they are more plump and elongated. Learn How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.

How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair

Banding works by using ponytail holders to stretch out freshly washed, damp/wet hair. Divide the hair into sections and gently wind the ponytail holders around the section from root to tip.

Top-rated serums includeMizani Thermastrength Heat Protecting Serum,Curls Cashmere + Cavia Hair Serum andLubricity Labs S-Total Finish Perfecting Serum. How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.

If you just read all of that and found yourself shaking your head because you totally can relate, I’ve got some suggestions on how you can keep your own natural locks voluminous, healthy and full, even on the most humid of days.

For the record, I’m pretty sure that you’ve heard of some of these before, but the key is to apply a little trial and error with the tips and handle your hair with care in the process. How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair. If you’re determined to figure out what works best for you, I’m confident that you will. Learn How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.

How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair

Still, that doesn’t mean that when it’s blazing outside (or when it’s snowing; some of us forget that wintertime can get pretty humid too) that I won’t rock a blowout. How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.Blow your roots. Although you should be careful about how much heat that you apply to your hair, if you’re using a good dryer, you apply a heat protectant (a creamy one is better than a spray if your hair is both curly and thick) and you set it on cool, you should be fine. How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.As far as avoiding shrinkage goes, make sure that you’re intentional about blow drying your roots. The “straighter” they are, the longer your hair will look and the less shrinkage that you will have throughout the day. Speaking of blow drying, if you want a longer look without straightening your curls in the process, a diffuser is definitely what you should attach to your dryer. Use it after your hair had air-dried halfway in order to get the best results. Learn How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.

Well, experiencing extreme hair shrinkage when you wish to show off the full length of your hair can be irritating. It happens a lot with the people with curly hair as shrinkage is always based on the tightness of the curls, the tighter your curls are the more shrinkage it will appear.

By the way, the literal meaning of shrinkage is that occurs when your hair appears a bit shorter than its actual length. But shrinkage doesn’t need to be always bad, it is good as it is a sign of a healthy and filled strand.

As natural 4c type of hair is more coiled and curled compared to the other hair type, it shrinks more than usual. We know it can be exhausting and irritating when your hair appears an inch or two shorter than its actual length but we are here to tell you that 4c natural hair shrinkage is good and when your hair looks healthier, then you don’t have to care about its length.

Test out some natural stretching techniques. If you absolutely do not want to apply heat to your hair, pretty much ever, there are some natural stretching methods that you can try. For the sake of time and space, I’ll hyperlink them—banding, threading and stretch plates are what immediately come to mind. All work on even the tightest of curls and will give your hair at least a few inches. I just have to find some creative workarounds so that I won’t have big-and-glorious hair when I step out of the door and then three steps away from a TWA (Teeny Weeny Afro) about an hour-and-a-half later.

How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair. My favorite times of the year to wear my natural hair all-the-way-out is the spring and the fall. The temperatures are mild and the humidity levels aren’t super ridiculous, so my hair doesn’t shrink up or frizz out as much as it does the rest of the time. Try an anti-frizz serum. Something that lots of professional stylists believe that all of us should have in our possession is one (or 10) bottles of an anti-frizz serum (because frizz is usually the result of humidity). It works well because it’s another product that will effectively seal your hair so that humidity isn’t able to get to it (as much). What are some good ones to try? Learn How To Stop Shrinkage on 3C Natural Hair.