Hair Growth Products

It's important to consult your doctors with any medical concerns, and before making any changes or adding supplements to your health plan.

It's normal for everyone to experience hair fall. According to Harvard Health Publishing, we lose approximately 80 to 130 scalp hair every day. But due to many different factors, some people tend to lose more. If you've been noticing that you are losing hair much more than usual or are finding thin or balding spots on your scalp, you may be suffering from hair loss.

If you're looking to get some extra help with growing out your hair, the products below are curated with expert input from dermatologists and based on research and reviews from online retailers like Sephora and Ulta. If you're experiencing hair loss or thinning, remember to check with your doctor first, and once you've determined that over-the-counter products could help, the below options may help. We update this list periodically.

In women, about one-third experience hair loss at some point in their lives. It is even more common in post-menopausal women, who report noticing bald spots on their scalp or thinning hair. The numbers are even higher in men. A study at the National Library of Medicine shows that 16% of males aged 18 to 29 experience moderate to extensive hair loss. This percentage increases significantly to 53% when males reach the age of 40 to 49.

Hair loss is not usually anything serious, but in severe cases, it can cause stress, anxiety, and even depression. This is especially true for women who feel pressured to have a good set of hair due to gender expectations.

Is Hair Regrowth Possible?

If you are experiencing hair loss, here's the good news — in most cases, it is treatable. Your biggest problem while going through it could just be that it's frustrating, but there has been a significant increase in resources now in recent years to help you manage it.

Treatment, whether at home or through medication and procedures, can help stop or slow down the progression of hair loss. They can also help regrow your hair. But it's important that you see a professional as soon as you notice the first signs of hair loss because the earlier you can start treatment, the more effective it will be. Without any treatment or management, you may continue to lose hair.

How to Manage Hair Loss at Home

Hair Loss Products

The best course of action you can take is to see your dermatologist for a professional consultation. Only a doctor can tell you for certain what is causing your hair loss and prescribe medication or treatment actions in line with your diagnosis. Most causes of hair loss are temporary and treatable, though, and can be managed by simple lifestyle changes that you can do at home.

For managing hair loss at home, the most important is to remember to be gentle with your scalp and hair. When washing, make sure you're not using harsh shampoo products. There are many natural, vegan, and chemical-free shampoo options out there — if you are suffering from hair loss, going natural can help. Also, make sure to always condition your hair after shampooing. Conditioners help reduce hair breakage and split ends but make sure to use a gentle brand as well.

Another thing to avoid is exposing your hair to intense heat. As much as possible, limit your use of curling irons, blow dryers, hair straighteners, and hot combs. Or better yet, don't use those at all. Avoid applying hot oil as well. This goes without saying that you should also avoid unnecessary hair procedures like coloring, perming, straightening, relaxing, and more. If you really have to, don't do it at home — find a good salon that can do these for you without damaging your hair.

Growing your hair out can be an exercise in patience, but special hair growth products can take some of the frustration out of the process (and maybe even speed things up). Whether you're searching for a hair growth serum, hair growth supplement or other treatment, you'll find tons of products claiming to target issues like hair thinning, hair loss or to boost overall hair health. But I spoke with dermatologists to find out what to skip and what's actually worth trying.

Sometimes problems like hair loss or thinning are related to underlying health issues. That's why if you're experiencing problems with hair loss, you may want to consult a doctor first. There are many different types of hair loss, according to San Francisco-based board-certified dermatologist Dr. Carden Cammpbell and identifying your type is the first step to getting proper hair regrowth treatment. "There are various forms of hair loss, some temporary, some slowly progressive and some permanent and scarring. If you know what type of hair loss you are experiencing you can best treat it," says Cammpbell.

As for lifestyle changes, smoking is also a cause of hair loss. So if you are experiencing hair loss and you are a smoker, it's probably time to think about kicking the habit. Eating healthy helps significantly, too. Sometimes hair loss is an effect of simply not getting enough of the nutrients your body needs.

DeeplyRooted hair growth supplement is one of their best-selling products, and for a good reason. In a clinical study, 91% of subjects reported improved overall hair growth, with one user saying that she noticed hair growing back in around six weeks of using the product. DeeplyRooted is a clean product made only of safe and natural ingredients that help block the root causes of hair loss and encourage hair to grow thicker, longer, and stronger.

Get Hush & Hush's DeeplyRooted hair growth supplement here on a one-time purchase or a monthly subscription.

Everyone, at some point in their lives, experience hair loss. But if you feel like your hair loss is severe and needs urgent attention, don't wait. See a doctor asap to start treatment right away to have better chances at growing them back. Aside from that, it's important to remember that hair loss is usually manageable with some simple lifestyle changes. If you need a little bit more help on top of that, these hair growth products that are tried and tested might just be the solution for you.

Don't let hair loss hold you back. Get the help that you need today!

Lastly, there are a ton of product options now available to help manage and even treat hair loss. Hair growth products can be effective to use on top of making some lifestyle changes and, eventually, help you gain back not just your hair but your confidence as well. Where Can I Find the Best Hair Growth Products?

Hair Loss Products

You don't need to search far to find the best products to help treat hair loss. Most of them are now available online and can be ordered and delivered straight to your door at the click of a button. Here are some of the best ones.


Rogaine Hair Loss & Regrowth Foam is the number one best-selling hair regrowth treatment on Amazon. It contains active ingredients which include 5% minoxidil — the only medication for hair loss that's FDA-approved. This formulation is fast-working and aids in boosting the production of hair protein and hair follicle activity. It is clinically proven to help regrow hair and results are reportedly seen in as fast as 12 weeks.

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The product comes in an easy-to-apply foam and is available in two variants: for men and for women. It also contains botanical extracts and emollients for a healthier, better-conditioned scalp. Like most hair-loss treatments, Rogaine is best used in the early stages of hair loss.

Get the Rogaine Hair Loss & Regrowth Foam for men here and for women here.


If you've seen celebrities pose on social media with a blue bottle in their hand and a blue gummy in their mouth, that's SugarBearHair. This vitamin is Instagram's favorite hair growth product, endorsed by the Kardashian-Jenners, Vanessa Hudgens, and influencers. It's vegetarian, gluten-free, cruelty-free, dairy-free, gelatin-free, and vegan. It comes in gummy form — designed for easier and more enjoyable consumption.

As for ingredients, SugarBearHair contains many active vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, D, E, B-6, B-12, folic acid, biotin, and more. This formulation allows the product to nourish your hair from within, providing overall health, increased hair strength, and improved hair growth.

Get the Insta-famous SugarBearHair here.

Kirkland Minoxidil

This hair regrowth treatment from Kirkland also contains 5% minoxidil, an FDA-approved solution used to promote hair growth and improve male pattern baldness. Minoxidil is clinically proven to help regrow hair.

Kirkland Minoxidil is a topical solution. To use, apply 1ml twice a day onto the scalp, where hair loss is occurring. Use the dropper that comes with the product, and do not use more than the recommended amount — what's more important is continued and consistent use.

Kirkland Minoxidil has more than 3,500 reviews on Amazon, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. Some customer reviews state that they started seeing effects and improvements on their hair loss in around just two months.