Is It Bad To Straighten Your Hair Twice A Week

I had a professional silk press iron straightening done, and when I turned around, I couldn't believe my eyes – I felt like a new woman; an absolute diva.

Unfortunately, I didn't take care of my hair properly, and I lost the same quality that I had just that week.

How to Keep Natural Hair From Drying Out [Moisturize Properly 4C]

I started straightening my hair almost every day, and the damage caused by my straightener led to my big chop 7 years later.

So, if you're wondering how to straighten your hair without damaging it every day, look no further. The answer is that you cannot flat iron straighten your hair every day without damaging it.

Overall, you'll have scraggly, janky-looking hair. Avoid using a straightening iron on a daily basis. Put that sexy blue Babyliss hair iron down and slowly back away.... HA!

I'm sure you're not like me and don't straighten your hair every day on high heat while drenched in Pink Lotion, LOL. Is it still safe to straighten your hair at least twice a week?

[RELATED ARTICLE: Do flat irons automatically turn off? Learn more...]

Is it unhealthy to straighten your hair twice a week?

Is it unhealthy to straighten your hair twice a week? Or perhaps every day?

Is it bad to have your hair straightened twice a week?

The short answer is yes, straightening natural hair every two weeks can be bad. The level of "badness" depends on how much heat you apply and whether or not you use an elite heat protectant product.

Straightening your hair twice a week isn't as bad as flat-ironing it every day, but it will still cause damage, albeit at a slower rate.

Flat irons are a fantastic invention, but they are fraught with danger. Split ends, rough ends when straightening, breakage, heat damage, and alopecia are all common problems for people who straighten their hair frequently.

Breakage, on the other hand, is the most common issue among people who straighten their hair too frequently.

Breakage has three effects on hair that most people who straighten their hair are unaware of.

The first thing that happens when you straighten your hair is that the protective layer around the hair strand is weakened (the cuticle).

On a deeper level, using high heat causes the natural hydration within the hair strand (the cortex) to evaporate, weakening your hair even further.

Finally, if the strand is repeatedly subjected to high heat, holes will form within the cortex. These holes will cause the hair strand to snap, resulting in breakage.

With a better understanding of how breakage occurs, it's understandable that we should be gentler on our hair, even when using the best straightening tools for natural hair.


How do you keep your hair looking good while preventing breakage?

7 Straightening Techniques to Make Your Style Last Without Straightening Everyday, Twice a Week, or More

So we know that straightening your hair twice a week is bad...

Let's go over some straightening and maintenance tips that you can use to avoid straightening natural hair every two weeks...

Is It Bad To Straighten Your Hair Twice A Week ...Maybe

Straighten your hair slowly and steadily - One of the most common complaints from seasoned stylists is that people make too many quick passes through their hair. Simply passing your fingers through your hair twice, slowly and steadily, will save you time, effort, and hair. This method saves you from having to straighten your natural hair every two weeks.

Straighten your hair in small sections – Sectioning your natural hair is a great way to stay organized while also ensuring that your hair is properly straightened. If you have thick hair, I recommend sectioning it into four large quadrants and then straightening smaller sections within them with a good flat iron for thicker hair.

Heat should be replaced with rollers when the weather isn't cooperating. Even if you did a fantastic job straightening your hair, if it's too humid outside, you'll have to make do with what you've got. That is why, instead of using additional heat, I recommend using a roller set.

Allow your heat protectant to dry before straightening your hair – It is healthier for your hair if you allow your thermal protectants to dry before flat ironing. You should already be aware that using a high-quality heat protectant product is essential for anyone straightening their hair. Using a protectant will protect your cuticles from damage, keep moisture within the cortex, and help your style last longer.

Straighten hair on a heat less than 400 degrees Fahrenheit – Stylists have long claimed that 450 degrees is harmful to healthy hair. When the temperature on a straightener exceeds 350 degrees Fahrenheit, the risk of heat damage increases. If you have coarse hair and are used to straightening it on 450, I recommend starting at 350 and seeing if it still straightens your hair. Attempt to go lower each time until your hair no longer straightens. This will assist you in locating your healthy, low-heat zone.

Conclusion: Is It Bad To Straighten Your Hair Twice A Week?

Most people chase the comb with the flat iron, not the other way around. This method, however, prevents you from straightening any knots.

Wear a bonnet around the house if you need to impress someone who isn't at home. Simply put on your bonnet and call it a night, or wrap your head at night – Wrapping your head in a silk or satin scarf at night will help your straight hair last longer.

And, now that you know that straightening your hair twice a week (to varying degrees) is bad for you, don't be afraid to wear your natural hair – A hectic schedule, rain, or even exhaustion can prevent you from straightening your hair.

When those occasions arise, try wearing your hair naturally. There are a plethora of quick and easy styles that can make you look great with minimal effort.

Is it unhealthy to straighten your hair twice a week? Yes, it is bad, but you still look good.

Is it a bad idea to straighten your hair twice a week?

Save The Ending: "Boy! Is Straightening Your Hair Twice A Week Bad?"

So, sis, I truly hope this tutorial provided you with the information you required. I don't want your hair to look like a hot mess because you overheat your kinks and curls.

And I sincerely hope that your inquiry will result in an affirmative statement.That is to say:

Instead of asking, "Is it bad to straighten your hair twice a week?" you can confidently respond, "Boy! Is it bad to straighten your hair twice a week?!" and avoid the problems that come with it.

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  • how many times can you straighten your hair before it gets damaged

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