How To Thicken 4C Hair

Let us now discuss how to thicken 4C hair.

Because, consider this:

One of the first things I noticed about natural hair vloggers and gurus was the size of their hair.

I always get a kick out of seeing kinky-curly girls and guys flaunt their big, beautiful afros and twistout after using products for defined 4c curls; it almost always makes me stop in my tracks.

But then I think to myself, "How can I get my hair to be as thick and as beautiful as theirs?"

So, based on my personal experience and years of research into caring for type 4C hair, I was able to discover how to achieve the same volume and beauty that they do.

So let's go over some of the best tips, products, and regimen tricks for you.

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How to Thicken 4C Hair on a Monthly Basis

how to make 4c hair thicker

On a monthly basis, how to thicken 4C hair...

One of the first things you should do is establish a monthly routine for how to thicken 4C hair. Though it may appear obsessive, a monthly routine ensures that you are thoroughly analyzing your hair and allows you to track your progress.

Select a day for your size checks. This will be a special day set aside for you to demonstrate to yourself that your hair is thickening.

For decades, people with type 4 hair believed that they couldn't grow their hair long. Today, however, we see that this is simply not the case.

We all know that our hair grows 1-2 inches per month, it's just that it's a little harder to tell due to shrinkage.

However, a size check will also confirm that the products and methods you're using are effective.

As needed, trim your hair. Though it may appear that this has nothing to do with how to thicken 4c hair, it is in fact all about thickness.

Getting rid of dead hair helps with moisture retention, and you can't have thick hair without it.

I don't want you to believe that you must trim your hair once a month.

You simply check once a month to see if your hair needs to be trimmed. Trim your ends if they feel dead, split, or brittle. If your ends are in good condition, leave them alone for another month.

[SEE ALSO: How to Grow 4C Hair to Waist Length...]

How to Thicken 4C Hair on a Weekly Basis

how to make 4C hair thicker

How to Increase the Thickness of 4C Hair...

Cleanse your hair once a week. The scalp plays a big role in how thick your hair grows, so it's critical to take care of it.

That means you should thoroughly cleanse your scalp once a week to remove dirt and grime that may clog your pores.

Use oils that promote 4C hair thickening. There are numerous great oils available that promote thickening 4C hair. Jamaican black castor oil is one of the most well-known of these oils.

You'll be hard pressed to find a natural hair honey who hasn't at least tried this 4C hair thickening growth oil. However, not everyone understands how to use it correctly for the best results.

Aside from that, there are many lighter oils that are great for hair growth and 4C hair thickening.

  • The oil of emu

  • Lavender essential oil

  • Rosemary essential oil

  • Oil of safflower

And those are just a few examples. Continue to delve into the wonderful world of 4C hair care to find an oil that is right for you.

To reduce 4C hair manipulation, use protective styles. There is never a bad time to wear a protective style, whether it is summer or winter.

Protective styles keep you from over-manipulating your hair and can last up to a month (depending on what you get). The crown braid is one of my favorite hairstyles.

If I wrap it, my crown braids usually last two days. After I finish styling my 4C hair, I always try to moisturize it well because I haven't touched it in a few days.

Finger detangle 4C hair more frequently than combing. Fingers are far more gentle than combs. When you use combs, you have a tendency to pull and yank on your hair rather than using your fingers.

Finger detangling, on the other hand, is great for sensing where your little kinks, coils, and knots are in your 4C hair.

Don't get me wrong: I adore my comb. I use it in the shower and on days when I'm in a hurry, but I know that if I really want to pamper my curls, I should use my fingers.

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Routine for Thickening 4C Hair on a Daily Basis

Keep your hair moisturized on a daily basis. I always recommend using a spray bottle infused with a few drops of essential oil.

Water is the best moisturizer and ingredient for thickening hair on the planet.

However, it never hurts to add a few essential oils that can help as well.

You'll learn more about what works best for your hair and makes your curls pop as you follow these how to thicken 4C hair tips and tricks.

How To Thicken 4C Hair Quickly

Conclusion: How To Thicken 4C Hair