Does Low Porosity Hair Need Protein?

Does Low Porosity Hair Need Protein? Lets Find Out...

Does Low Porosity Hair Need Protein? In this article, we examine ways to care for low porosity hair and answer the much-asked question: Does low porosity hair need protein?

In short, low porosity hair does not need protein. Although maintaining a healthy balance between protein and water is key for strong hair, protein treatments could actually damage low porosity hair even further.

By simply understanding the porosity of your own hair and which products are best suited, you can create a hair routine that restores your hair to optimal health.

Also read: 5 Important Signs of Too Much Protein In Your Hair

What Is Low Porosity Hair?

Porosity refers to your hair’s ability to absorb moisture. In order for hair to be healthy, we need a balance between protein and moisture.

Based on a regimen of deep conditioning 2 - 4 times a month:

Low and Medium Porosity hair will typically deep condition with protein 1x a month and deep condition for moisture 1-3x a month.

High Porosity hair will typically deep condition with protein 1-2x a month and deep condition for moisture 1-2x a month.

Damaged hair of any porosity tends to benefit from protein deep treatments 2-3x a month and moisture deep treatments 1-2x a month.

As you can see, knowing your porosity can be very helpful in determining how often you use protein vs. moisture in your regimen.

Here’s why..

Low Porosity Hair - tends to resist moisture, but once installed moisture is retained well. Still, moisture will inevitably be lost over the course of the days leading up to wash day. This is why you will use a moisture treatment more often in most hair regimens. A protein treatment binds protein onto the cuticle layer of the hair strand. Because the cuticles of low porosity hair are already so tightly closed and flat, over-using protein can actually have adverse effects on the hair. This is also why many naturals notice they have protein sensitivities and rarely need to introduce additional protein into their regimen at all - these women tend to have low porosity hair. For the naturals who are not protein sensitive, instituting protein every 30 days strikes a nice balance between strong, soft hair.

Does Low Porosity Hair Need Protein Now or Later?

If you have moderately healthy low porosity hair using protein once a month and deep conditioning for moisture the rest of your wash days that month is usually sufficient.

This is due to the fact that low porosity hair tends to be protein sensitive and using protein-rich products could cause further breakage.

If you have low porosity hair, you need to lock in as much moisture as possible, without weighing down your hair and making it appear greasy.

This is where choosing the right products for your hair type is key as certain ingredients can give your hair the TLC that is needed.

If this balance is disturbed, you may experience either protein overload or hygral fatigue (moisture overload). Does Low Porosity Hair Need Protein? Now you know...